Chapter 1: Georgetta: The end of a long day
The box was waiting just inside the front door to her apartment
building, just as Chris had said it would be when she got home. It
was on the floor in front of the mailboxes with her name and address
on it. A large size brown cardboard box. Chris had refused to tell
her what was in the carton, only that she was to bring it upstairs.
She had lost the bet, and as a result had agreed to follow his
directions for one night. It was now time to pay up. If she decided
to open the box, she had to follow the directions in the box to the
Georgetta had to go up the stairs to her apartment and drop off her
purse, briefcase, and other mail before returning to get the carton.
It was a little heavier than she expected, and took a bit of effort to
get it upstairs and into her apartment. Setting it down on the
kitchen table, she got a pair of scissors out of the drawer and sliced
open the tape on the top of the carton. As she thought, there was a
note from Chris on top of the contents.
She sliced open the envelope and pulled the letter from inside. It

My dearest Georgetta,
You are to take this box into the bedroom and unpack it, placing the
contents on the bed. Do not yet open the small box in the bottom of
this carton. I will be along later this evening to continue this
fantasy. You are then to undress completely and place on the articles
of clothing I have provided. Further instructions are contained
inside this box.
Once you are dressed, you are to pour yourself a glass of wine and
then relax in the living room. I have included one of your romance
novels in the box for your reading pleasure. Turn to the section I
have bookmarked for you, and read from the box while you drink the
glass of wine.
When you have finished the book and have drunk the wine, open the
envelope at the back of the book and read the next set of
Intrigued, Georgetta picked up the box and carried it into the
bedroom. Setting it on top of the bed, she lifted the packing
material and began to unpack the contents. On top was indeed a
romance novel, one of the real trashy ones she liked to read while
laying on the beach. The rest of the contents surprised her.
She had expected Chris to provide a sexy lingerie outfit for her, but
this was not quite what she had expected. A pair of black leather
knee-high boots and black fishnet stockings were the first items. A
black, soft leather halter top, a black leather mini-skirt, a black
garter belt, and a black thong panty completed the outfit she was
intended to wear. She picked up the halter top and examined it. It
was basically a black leather bra, but had a collar with silver metal
studs. Several straps rose from the top of the bra to the collar.
Smiling to herself, she wondered just what Chris was intending, but
decided it would be a lot of fun to find out. "Guess he's in the mood
for a Harley Davidson biker-type fantasy, I guess" she thought.
Dropping the outfit on the bed, she stepped out of her heels, and
shrugged off the suit jacket. Fumbling with the zipper to her skirt,
she walked towards the closet. Removing the hanger, she stepped out
of the skirt, and then hung it on the hanger. She returned to the bed
and picked up the jacket, adding it to the hanger and returned it to
the closet. She returned to the dresser and reached behind her to
undo her bra. Her breasts fell loose as the bra came unhooked, and
she removed the item from her shoulders. She softly caressed her
breasts, imagining the feel of Chris's hands on them later that
evening. They were very sensitive, and even her casual caresses sent
a tiny wave of pleasure through her.
She dropped her thumbs inside the pantyhose and panties, and pushed
them down to below her knees. She sat down on the bed and pulled them
off her legs. She then picked up the black fishnet hose from Chris's
package and carefully pulled on one and then the other. Standing up,
she spent a minute on each leg, carefully straightening the seams.
"Why do these things drive guys crazy?" she wondered, not for the
first time.
The halter top was the next item. She quickly figured out the
fastener on the collar and attached it around her neck. She smoother
the cups of the halter around her breasts and then reached behind her
back to fasten the catch. She had never worn a leather item like
this before, and found she liked the feel of the leather against her
skin. The halter was relatively low cut, and revealed a significant
amount of cleavage. The black leather straps from the halter up to
the collar stood out against her tanned skin. leather "This could be
fun", she thought to herself.
She picked up the garter belt and fastened it around her waist, and
then spent several minutes fastening the garter straps front and rear
to the stockings. "Men" she muttered as the last strap became slights
irritating and refused to lock in on the stocking. At last it too
locked close. She picked up the thong and stepped into it, settling
it into place on her hips. She noted that it too was made of leather.
The leather skirt then went around her waist. It zipped up one side,
although the zipper started more than a few inches from the bottom.
From her waist to the hem it was less the fifteen or sixteen inches,
and didn't cover very much at all. She rotated the skirt around her
waist, positioning the zipper at the front of her right thigh. The
slight slit on her skirt showed the top of the stockings and a bit of
thigh. "Chris will certainly appreciate that", she thought to
She sat down onto the bed and pulled first one boot and then the other
on. They fit perfectly, leading her to believe Chris had been
snooping around her clothing to determine her sizes. The boots had a
good three inch heel, and she stood carefully and took a few steps to
get her balance straight. She had a pair of four-inch heels that she
sometimes wore, the kind she referred to as her "do-me" heels, but she
often didn't spend much time walking in them - Chris usually took her
straight to bed after only a few minutes of her walking around him
wearing them.
She looked again into the box and noticed she had missed two items.
Two black leather studded bracelets were in the bottom of the box,
next to the other box that Chris's letter had told her not to open.
She picked up and examined the two black leather wrist cuffs. They
were studded with silver squares around the inside, and had soft
fabric on the inside. They had smaller silver studs similar to the
ones on the halter top she was wearing. More interesting was that the
fastening mechanism seemed rather intricate, and it took a bit of work
with both hands to get each one open. She fastened one on each wrist.
She stood up from the bed and over to the full length mirrors on the
closet doors. "Motorcycle slut from LA" she thought to herself as she
took in her appearance. The high heels on the boots lifted her butt
slightly into the air, tightening her buttocks and leg muscles. They
were high, but she had worn this size before and could move reasonably
well in them. "We better not be going out dancing though!" she
thought. The halter clung tightly to her breasts, revealing and
hiding her curves at the same time. The halter fit snugly underneath
her breasts, and revealed her taut stomach and belly button, before
the black miniskirt began. The skirt barely covered her tush, and as
she turned and lifted the back of the skirt, she noted that the panty
was more of a G-string in the back, tapering quickly away from a few
inches at the small of her back to almost a string between her ass
It needs something, however, she thought, and stepped over to her
dresser. She fumbled through her jewelry box for a minute and found
the thick gold hoop earrings. She fastened these into each ear, and
then added a longer, dangly-type golden earring to the second hole in
her right ear. A further search of her jewelry revealed the long
golden chain she sometimes wore at the beach, and she fastened it
around her waist. It gleamed in the light and hung loose on her hips,
just above the top of the mini-skirt.
Lastly, she picked out a 16" gold chain and fastened it about her
neck. The bottom of the chain settled nicely into her cleavage. A
final check in the mirror and she decided she had the outfit just
about right. She picked up a black hair scrungee from the dresser top
and pulled her hair into a soft ponytail behind her. It wasn't in
Chris's instructions but it seemed to fit the image. "All I need is a
black leather biker jacket and I could jump on the back of a hog" she
thought to herself. "Screw that - I could drive my own hog, and get
Chris to ride on the back" she thought to herself and laughed.
She applied a bit of blush, some mascara, and then found her reddest
lipstick. It was a vivid, bright red, and she applied it carefully to
her lips. Picking up a tissue, she blotted her lips and dropped the
tissue into the wastebasket. She smiled and blew a kiss to the
tempting seductress that looked back at her from the mirror. She had
just applied red nail polish the previous day, and it seemed to fit in
well with the image.
"Now for the next part of this fantasy," she thought.

Chapter 2: Georgetta: A Glass of Wine and Thou
She walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Her breasts
swayed as she walked, and moved slightly inside the halter, and she
could feel the tight panty brushing up against her. She liked the
feel of the cool leather on her skin, pressing snug against her
breasts. "Now I know what the attraction to leather is!" she thought
to herself. Opening the refrigerator, she found the bottle of wine
she and Chris had bought the previous weekend and placed it on the
counter. She opened the silverware drawer and pulled out the wine
opener. The bottle opened with a satisfying "pop". She got a glass
down from the cabinet and began pouring the wine when she saw Chris's
handwriting on the bottle.
"Drink me to here" it said, and it indicated almost half of the
"Getting me drunk to take advantage of me, he is!" she said out loud.
"He better be very good to me tonight" she thought, and continued
Measuring the bottle against the glass she had poured, she realized it
was about two good sized glasses, more than she usually had, and
certainly enough to loosen a few inhibitions.
Georgetta returned the wine bottle to the refrigerator and then picked
up the wine glass and walked back into the bedroom. She picked up the
novel Chris had sent and walked back out into the living room to her
favorite chair. She carefully arranged herself onto the sofa cushion
and took her first drink of wine. Setting the glass down on the end
table, and noting the red lipstick she had left on the glass, she
opened the book to the bookmark Chris had left, and began to read.
It was one of her favorite romance writers. This author wrote
wonderfully romantic happy stories, but sprinkled liberal amounts of
sexual activities and adventures throughout. The usual "man-
meets-girl-and-falls-in-love, man and girl both meet others and fool
around, and then man and girl manage to save their love" type story.
This section Chris had her start at quickly got into the
"fooling-around" scenes, and she read attentively as one bedroom
encounter led to another and yet another, as the hero and heroine made
one romantic adventure after another. After several very good
chapters, she realized that she had finished the first glass of wine.
She set the book aside and stood up from the chair.
She walked carefully into the kitchen and retrieved the bottle from
the refrigerator. She felt incredibly sexy dressed in this motorcycle
slut outfit, and let her hands wander momentarily over her breasts and
down her body before returning to her breasts. A brief caress or two
and she could feel her nipples hardening beneath the leather halter,
and she let out a small gasp as the sensations swept through her.
"I may need to convince Chris to let me keep this outfit after
tonight!" she thought to herself. "Shouldn't be too hard to do that",
the thought continued, and she smiled.
She poured the wine into her glass, noticing that she had almost
passed the marking on the bottle that she was supposed to drink. The
glass was full as she returned the bottle to the refrigerator and then
walked back into the living room and the novel. As she sat into the
chair, the skirt rode well up her thighs, showing much of the skin
above the tops of the stockings. She could feel the leather panty
snuggle up against her clitoris, and knew that at least part of
Chris's plans were beginning to work. She was just a little buzzed,
definitely feeling the effects of the glasses of wine she was
consuming. She was also getting a little aroused.
She picked up the novel and was quickly caught up in the lovemaking
described in the book. The chapter he had marked began:
Donna walked out of the hotel room, slamming the door in disgust. She
had just caught her lover, Vernon, in bed with her best friend and
almost maid-of-honor, of all people. True, it had been her
maid-of-honor in her almost marriage to David, and that was last year
before the wedding had been called off and then she had started seeing
Vernon, but still the irony of it all astounded her.
She walked down the hallway of the hotel, her heels loudly clicking
against the polished wooden floors of the hotel. This was her
favorite Philadelphia hotel, the Ritz Carlton, and she loved the
incredible luxury and opulence of the hotel. Usually, she loved it,
she thought. Now her blood was racing and her thoughts raced through
her head.
She punched the button to the elevator and stood there, staring back
up the corridor at the hotel room where Vernon and Kendra were,
probably picking out the ice cubes from the bed sheets. Donna giggled
as she remembered their reactions. She had walked into the room,
having learned from Vernon's secretary that he had made plans to spend
the night at the hotel. She had bribed the turn-down maid to let her
into his room, and had snuck through the living room of his suite,
intending to surprise him in the bedroom.
However, when she opened the door to the room, she had found them
there, Vernon's head and shoulders buried between the legs of Kendra.
Kendra had just let out a long moan when she opened her eyes to see
Donna staring there. Furious, Donna strode to the dresser and grabbed
the ice bucket sitting there. She turned and flung the contents on
the entwined couple, soaking the two of them and the bed with the ice
water and cubes. The bottle hit Vernon in the ass.
"You son-of-a-bitch!" she had screamed at Vernon. "And you, you
back-stabbing little slut!" she had screamed at Kendra. "You two
deserve each other", she had screamed at them, as they shrieked back
at her from the cold ice water. She had then turned and stormed out
of the room.
The elevator doors opened and she got in. She saw the door to the
hotel suite open and Vernon come stumbling out as the doors to the
elevator shut. She pushed the button for the Parking Garage Level 3
and leaned back in against the walls of the car. Although she was
trying to fight it, she felt the first tears come as the car made its
way from the top floor of the hotel down to the lower level parking
The doors opened and she ran out from the car. She was openly crying
now and certainly didn't want to be seen in this condition. As she
rounded the corner of the garage to where she had parked her Beamer,
she fumbled in her purse, pulling out the keys and finding the key
fob. She peered at the remote opener through her watery eyes and
pushed the "Unlock" button. Her Beamer beeped once and flashed its
lights, opening the doors for her.
As she approached the car she heard the steps behind her. A large
body came up from behind, grabbing her around the waist and clamping a
hand over her mouth. She was lifted off her feet and moved to the
back of her car. The hand on her waist moved and grabbed her wrist,
finding the remote opener and pushed a button, popping the trunk open.
She tried to scream and twist against her assailant, but was shoved
brutally into the trunk and closed in when the unknown attacker
slammed it shut on her.
She heard the front door open, and then moments later the engine
roared to life. She was flung about in the trunk as the Beamer was
backed out of the parking spot and pulled away up the parking garage
ramps. She hit her head on something and blacked out.
* * * * *
Georgetta paused in her reading to take another sip of wine. She
loved trashy novels, and the kidnapping theme was a common one. "Is
Chris going to abduct me tonight" she wondered to herself. "He better
not try to shove me in a trunk!" she thought with a smile.
Georgetta set the wine glass down, readjusted her skirt, which kept
insisting on riding up, and resumed reading.

Chapter 3: Georgetta: Scenes from a Trashy Romance Novel
Donna opened her eyes and stared into darkness. She blinked several
times, but still could not see anything. Then she realized she was
blindfolded. Worse, they, whoever they were, had gagged her as well.
Her mouth tasted funny. She tried to spit it out but found she
couldn't. It took her a few minutes to regain her thoughts and assess
what was going on. She felt like she was laying on her back, that
much she could figure out. Something soft, most likely a bed.
She tried to move her arms but realized that they were fastened above
her head. Same with her legs. She could feel they were tied to
something else as well. She was basically tied spread-eagled on a
bed, blindfolded and gagged. She also felt a little cold, but could
still feel her bra straps across her chest and the waistband of her
panties. So she wasn't naked, but certainly not fully clothed either.
"This is not good," she thought to herself, not for the first time.
She tugged with each arm, and then tried to move her legs, but to no
avail. She was tied tight and not going anywhere until someone
decided to let her go.
She heard the door open and footsteps approach the bed. She turned
her head towards the sound, but still could not see anything - the
blindfold cut off all of her sight. Then she felt fingers on the side
of her face. She turned away, and then realized that they were
caressing her face, and not hurting her. She felt the hand work
slowly and softly down her cheek and ear, to her neck, caressing and
touching the sides of her neck and under her chin. The one hand was
joined by a second, alternating between her earlobes, her neck, and
her chin. Despite herself, Donna thought it felt quite nice.
The hands stopped and she heard footsteps move away from the bed.
Then she heard the music begin. It was a jazz song. For some reason
it made her think of her ex-fiancé - he had always loved listening to
jazz and they had frequently made love to the sounds of jazz on the
stereo. Then she heard the steps approaching her again, and then the
wait and feeling of someone sitting on the bed next to her. The hands
returned, stroking and caressing her face and neck, occasionally
moving to her upper chest. Then she felt his hands on her gag,
loosening it. He pulled it from her mouth. Donna worked her tongue,
lips, and jaw, trying to moisten her dry mouth. Then a few splashes
of a liquid were dropped into her mouth. She tasted it and realized
it was water. A hand reached behind her neck and lifted her head
upwards, and a glass was placed against her lips, allowing her to
drink. She took several swallows before the glass was lifted away.
"Please let me g-" she started to say when her lips were covered by
his. In shock, she turned away from the kiss, but he placed his hands
on either side of her face and turned her to him. He kissed her
again, although she didn't return the favor. But there was something
strangely familiar about his kiss...
Then his lips were on her neck, and nibbling softly on the sides of
her neck, up and down, and to that little spot on the right side of
her neck that was just so sensitive, and then back to her lips. This
time, she kissed back, surprising herself. His lips left hers, and
returned to that sensitive spot on her neck. They worked downwards,
down her upper chest and to the top of her straining breasts, kissing
and nuzzling between them. She felt his hands reach behind her for
the clasp of her brasserie, and lifted her back up slightly to help.
"There are only two men in this world that know how sensitive that
spot on my neck is," she thought to herself as the mysterious stranger
finished removing her bra and started kissing her breasts. "One was
her now ex-lover Vernon, who she had left in the hotel room with that
slut Kendra, the other her ex-fiancé, David. But which one of the
two of them was doing this. It can't be Vernon - he could never have
gotten down to the hotel parking garage in time to catch her from
behind. That meant it had to be..." Then she felt that distinctive
nibbling sensation on her left breast and knew it to be -
"David! - David let me go you son-of-a-bitch! How dare you do this
to me!" she yelled at him. A chuckling sound let her now she had
guessed correctly. "Let me out of these ropes you bastard!" she
screamed at him, trying to twist her body and breasts away from his
"Quiet, m'love" or I'll need to put the gag back in" he said to her.
"You just lay there and enjoy this evening's attention" He moved his
lips down from her breasts, softly nibbling down her stomach and
caressing the space of skin just above her womanhood. She felt him
grasp the fabric of her panty with both hands and then heard a ripping
noise as he ripped one side of the fabric. She felt him slide the
remainder of the garment down her left leg, and then gasped as he
pressed his lips and tongue against her most sensitive spot.
Despite her cries to stop, that they had broken up, that she didn't
want him to do this, that he was a bastard and had left her for
another woman, David continued his affections to her womanhood, and
she could feel her excitement rising inside her. Her protestations
died away as she was swept away in the exotic feelings he produced
within her. She struggled weakly against the bonds holding her hands,
and then gave up, allowing him to take her. As the moment came, she
shook with ecstacy, and lay there, allowing the emotions and feelings
to sweep through her.
Then he was inside her. She felt his manhood penetrate deep into her,
and she found herself raising her hips to take him, to feel him. They
moved together, she moving upwards, he driving into her. She heard
his cries as he achieved his release and shook within her before
collapsing on top of her.
After several minutes, he reached up and removed her blindfold. She
squinted in the light, realizing that it was only from a few candles
he had placed around the bed. She looked around and recognized the
decor and furnishings of the Ritz Carlton! She had never even left
the hotel!
As she started to ask him to explain, he again dropped his lips to her
womanhood and began again, this time slower and more languorously than
the first time. Hours and hours passed, it seemed to her, as she lay
there upon the bed. She could feel the sheets grow wet beneath her,
as David brought her to a second and then third release. His hands
roamed her body, caressing her breasts, moving up and down her legs.
After the third release he slowly stopped and lifted his body from
She felt his hands on her legs, releasing the ties from each foot. As
she stretch and flexed each leg he moved to her arms and release each
one. He laid down beside her and she rolled towards him, enveloping
his face with kisses. She moved herself on top of him, and found him
ready for her again. This time she moved slowly atop him, feeling his
hardness within herself. She watched his face and eyes, trying to
gauge his level of excitement, slowing as she thought he neared
release. Finally, as her thighs began to burn, she quickened the pace
of their lovemaking, and felt him achieve his release. She collapsed
on top of him, holding him in place inside her.
"You have a lot of explaining to do," she said to him.
Georgetta turned the page in the novel and found a post-it note from
Chris. It said:
That's all for your reading enjoyment this evening. You can finish
the book another time. Now it's time to proceed to the next activity
in this night's entertainment plans. If you are still willing to
participate, open the envelope at the back of this book.
Georgetta thought for a few moments. She really wanted to see what
happened next in the story, find out whether Donna took David back or
got back together with Vernon. She was also feeling very aroused.
That last scene had really turned her on, and she was more than a bit
curious as to what else Chris had planned for her.
She found the envelope stapled into the back of the book. Ripping it
from the book cover, she opened it to find a second envelope and a
sheet of paper with further instructions. The sheet read:
I hope you have enjoyed your evening so far. I have put a
considerable amount of work into this fantasy, and hope to allow you
to experienced one of the most incredible nights of your life. You
now need to decide if you want to follow through where I am about to
take you. You may have a slight idea based on your attire and the
last scene in the novel. I assure you that you will not be hurt, and
that we will have a most incredible night of lovemaking and pleasure.
If you agree, then you are first to clean-up the wine glass and leave
the novel on the counter in the kitchen. Then take the remaining
envelope into the bedroom and get the second box from inside the first
carton I left for you. I will soon be there, my darling, and promise
to make incredible love to you regardless of your decision as to where
this night goes. I can only imagine how incredibly sexy and desirable
you look right now, dressed in the boots and leather I have provided
for you.
Finally, if at any time this night is not going as you would desire
and want to stop the fantasy, you are to say "Thunderbird". That will
be our code word to let me know that you want to stop and talk.
Otherwise, I will continue with my plans for the evening and assume
that I have your agreement.
For now, my love,

Chapter 4: Fit to be Tied
She had already decided that she would follow through with Chris on
this fantasy. He had obviously worked hard to make it happen, and she
was enjoying herself immensely so far. She found it funny that he had
chosen "Thunderbird" as her escape word, but was pleased that he had
planned for any eventuality. The car that she had been driving when
she and Chris had first started dating was a dark blue Thunderbird,
and she had loved it very much. She had many great memories of her
times with Chris in that car. She felt more comfortable now following
his directions knowing that she could stop him at any point.
She picked up the envelope, book, and wine glass and walked (swayed,
actually) into the kitchen. She quickly rinsed the glass, scrubbing
away the lipstick, and left the book on the kitchen counter as
instructed. Then she walked with the other envelope into the bedroom
and picked up the letter opener to open the third envelope and the
box. Chris's writing on the outside of the envelope instructed her to
open the carton first before following the instructions on contained
in the envelope.
She attacked the box with the letter opener and quickly had slit the
tape sealing it shut. She was somewhat surprised at the contents,
although she had suspected something based on his instructions in the
letter and that last chapter of the romance novel. The box contained
two short lengths of chain, one about six inches long and the other
about three and a half feet. Both had hooks on the end that would
lock once they were closed. The box also contained a Sony Discman and
headphones, a set of keys, a small silver vibrator, and what looked to
be a wide black leather headband. She was pretty sure what Chris had
in mind now, and again made up her mind to continue. She know Chris
really cared for her and would not do anything that might hurt her,
and besides, the story in the novel had made it all seem incredibly
The vibrator surprised her. She knew what it was, of course, but had
never used one. She picked it up and examined it. Chris had attached
a post-it note to the toy that instructed her to turn the base of the
vibrator until she had heard two clicks. She tried it and almost
dropped it as it began humming in her hand. She felt it between her
palms for a few minutes, feeling the vibrations and listening to the
humming noise it made. She turned it off and then set it back on the
comforter on the bed.
She opened up the letter and read the instructions inside. She was
again surprised by the level of effort Chris had gone through to
prepare for this night.
The first few steps in the letter were pretty simple. She was told to
first bring the chair from the corner of the bedroom into the middle
of the floor directly beneath the oak beam that ran across the middle
of the ceiling. She was to feed the longer chain through the hoop
Chris had installed in the beam, leaving an equal amount hanging to
either side of the chain. She was then to return the chair to the
corner of the room. She did this, struggling to move the chair in her
heels and with the tight miniskirt constricting her steps.
"When did he do all of this, and how come I never noticed this
before?" she thought to herself. The beam was just across the room
from her bed, and she practically looked right at it when she was
laying in bed. She certainly would have noticed it before, she
thought. She stepped up carefully onto the chair, and looked at the
metal loop. It had been screwed into the beam, and she fed one length
of the longer chain through the loop. She measured the sides to get
equal amounts of chain hanging on either side. She stepped off the
chair and dragged it back to the corner of the room. She picked up
the letter and continued reading.
The keys were to be hung on the necklace she was now wearing. Chris's
letter explained that the keys would open the locks on the two chains,
once the night was well underway. She unfastened the necklace from
behind her neck and slipped the two silver keys over the chain. She
refastened the catch and returned to the letter.
The next activity was to place the Discman onto a loop on the back of
her miniskirt, and then to place the headphones in her ears. A CD
from Mozart was already in the Discman, and she was instructed to turn
it on and set the volume to 5. She turned the Discman on, and
fastened it to the belt loop on the side of the miniskirt. She set
the headphones in her ears. She found the music to be somewhat loud
but not painfully so. The sounds of a Mozart sonata were soon playing
in her ears.
The vibrator was next. She was told to turn it on by turning the
bottom to the second click, and then to insert it inside of her. She
knew where it went and what she was supposed to do with it, but it
still took several seconds to convince herself to do this. She lifted
up her skirt and pulled the panty down. She was already quite wet
from the first part of the evening, and as she pressed it between her
thighs and held it, pressing against her for several seconds. It was
buzzing quite happily. She slowly turned it, rubbing it up and down,
and then pressed the tip of the toy inside her. She pressed a little
harder, letting out a gasp as she felt the buzzing inside. Slowly,
she worked it in and out until only the end was peaking out from
inside of her. She pulled her panty back up over it (which
immediately pushed the vibrator a little farther in and momentarily
staggered her). The buzzing and vibrating motion of the sex toy
immediately got her keyed up, and made her even wetter, if possible.
She adjusted her skirt back down, moving it slightly to position the
zipper and accompanying slit over her right thigh.
She was then instructed to pull the black headband over her head and
down around her neck. She was then to put down the letter, pick up
the remaining length of chain, and step into the middle of the bedroom
beneath the oak beam and the hanging chain. She pulled the headband
over her head, freed her hair from behind her back, and then picked up
the small length of chain. She walked carefully to the center of the
room, feeling the sensation of the vibrator within her as the tight
panty moved it slightly with each step.
The letter had instructed her to use the short length of chain to lock
her two boots together. She bent over slowly, shaking slightly as the
vibrator continued its happy thrumming, and found that the two clasps
on either end of the short chain would connect into small loops on the
inside of each boot. One clasp on either end of the chain locked onto
each boot. This effectively prevented her from moving more than six
inches at a time - the length of the chain holding her in place. As
she did this and then stood back up from leaning over she felt the
vibrator shift a little more inside her. It was a small unit, no more
than four or five inches, but more than enough to drive her a little
crazy with its incessant motion. She could already feel an orgasm
building inside, and hoped that Chris would be there soon to replace
the vibrator with his own sex tool, something that she knew would fill
her more completely than the small silver toy did.
The last two steps were reasonably clear, but required the final
surrender. She could still stop now, retrieve the keys from around
her neck, and then just jump on Chris as soon as he walked in the
door. As horny as she was getting, this was a very attractive option,
but she decided to go ahead and follow the last two steps. She
reached up with her hands and fastened the lock on one end of the
chain to the ring on the left wrist cuff. She was still surprised
that she had missed the rings on her wristbands earlier in the night.
Now she didn't care.
Carefully moving her right hand down, she pulled the black headband up
over her chin and settled it into place over her eyes. She was now in
darkness, and with the Mozart playing in her ears, effectively placed
into a sensory deprivation mode. She reached up with her right hand,
stood on her tiptoes, or at least as high as her heels and the chain
on her ankles would allow, and found the other end of the length of
chain hanging from the beam. Taking a deep breath, she locked the
clasp into place on her right wrist.
That was it. Her legs were bound together with the short chain. Her
hands were fastened via the wrist cuffs to a length of chain and
suspended over her head. The sonata in her ears and the black
blindfold cut off both her hearing and sight. She was essentially
helpless. She figured if she tried hard enough and long enough she
could unbuckle the wrist cuffs, but they were pretty snug, there
wasn't much leverage in the length of chain hanging from the ceiling,
and her long fingernails certainly wouldn't help matters.
Chris had carefully taken into account her height, the length of her
arms, the heels, and the length of the chain holding her hands. She
had some slight freedom, but not enough to lower her arms, or, as she
tried to ascertain, to really get to the fastenings of the wrist
cuffs. "This is it," she thought. I'm locked in place here, waiting
for my man to come and ravish me.
She stood there in place, listening to the music, and becoming more
and more aware of the buzzing between her legs. She could feel the
pressure build inside her as the vibrator continued to merrily hum
away, sending waves throughout her. She rocked slightly in her heels,
pulling against the cuffs and the chain holding her in place. Without
sight or sound, it was easy to imagine that it was really Chris that
was inside of her. She could almost feel his hands on his breasts,
the thrust of him deep inside her. She closed her eyes, letting out a
soft moan as the pressure continued to build. She tried to shake her
hips a little to move the vibrator inside of her pussy, but wound up
shaking a bit without really moving it. If I can just move it a
little bit further, things will really happen. She squirmed a little
more, feeling her breasts jiggle softly under the leather.
"Hmmmm," she thought. "That feels kind of nice." Her nipples had
grown ever harder and more erect as her orgasm had begun to build, and
were now rubbing against the leather halter top. She Leaned up
slightly onto her tiptoes and then back. The combination of the
spiked heels and chain holding her hands though restricted most of her
motion, but she got a bit of a jiggle, she thought. "Aaron Spelling
would never put this jiggle onto a show, though!" she thought.
She swayed a few more times, and then let out another moan as she felt
the orgasm began to crest. She tensed, feeling the wave, when...
With a slight click the vibrator shut off.
She waited, tensed and poised, on the brink of an explosion, thinking
she was mistaken, but realizing that no, the damned thing had shut
off. "Goddamn him! He didn't change the batteries!! I don't fucking
believe this!" She tried to swing her hips or move to make the
vibrator continue to nudge her most sensitive spot, but between her
heels, the boot chain, and her hands locked above her head found she
could only squirm in frustration as the wave of her orgasm slowly
faded away.
"I really don't believe he did this. Let me out of this thing" she
cried, and tried to reach the cuff fastenings. She struggled for
several minutes before giving up, and slumped into the chains, letting
the chain and her arms take her weight. She was extremely sensitive
to everything right now. She could feel the vibrator inside her, just
sitting there taking up space but not doing anything to help her.
Her nipples pressed against the halter, demanding attention. She knew
it was because of her aroused state, but that certainly didn't help
matters much. The damned music was continuing to play away in her
ears, and she couldn't see a goddamn thing! Her level of frustration
mounted and she started swearing at Chris, calling him every name in
the book and promising what she was going to do to him when she got
out of this setup, and then...
The vibrator clicked back on. She stopped in mid-sentence (and
mid-swearing, questioning the legitimacy of Chris's birth) when she
felt it begin buzzing again. She leaned her head back and moaned as
she felt it within her again, and suddenly took back all the bad
things she had said about Chris. She was moaning and writhing quite
happily then again, doing her slight jiggle, when after two minutes it
clicked off again.
"I think I've been royally set-up this time" she thought to herself.
Despite the urging and roaring between her thighs, Georgetta stood
quietly, counting to herself. Her body was pleading with her for a
release, but she ignored it as best she could and tried to count. The
lack of sight and the sonata playing in the her ears made it
difficult, but she thought she was close to 180 seconds when the
vibrator kicked back on. "The damn thing turns itself on and off!"
she thought - "I'm going to kill him!" That thought drifted away as
her orgasm began building again, responding to her bodies' desires and
the incessant buzzing between her legs. She thought maybe she could
make herself come before her time expired. She struggled in earnest,
shaking the chains and wriggling, trying to push the vibrator directly
where she really, really, really REALLY-fucking needed it, desperately
trying to attain that elusive orgasm when - "click" - it shut off
again. She slumped against the chains and hung there, cursing the SOB
who had invented the thing.
Chapter 5: The hero returns
Chris sat on the bed, watching Georgetta squirm in her chains. He had
emerged from the closet moments after she had locked her wrists into
the chains and completed the self-bondage. He had to continually
control himself from going to her immediately, releasing her from the
captivity and taking her to bed immediately. She was just so
incredibly gorgeous, sexy, and desirable in the black outfit - not to
mention the completely helpless state she was in - and all at his
He had walked quietly around her after emerging from the closet,
taking in the incredible appearance of his girlfriend. Her breasts
were barely contained in the leather halter top, and he knew that her
nipples inside would be hard and aroused, just begging for him to lick
and kiss each one. He knew that they were very sensitive, and he knew
that it might only take a little attention to them to trigger the
orgasm she was so desperately trying to achieve. Her legs and ass
looked incredible. The miniskirt and boots just did amazing things to
her posterior curves. He loved to look at her legs, and watch her
walk, and wished that he could watch her walk ahead of him in this
outfit. "A little later on this night," he thought.
The instructions manual for the vibrator indicated it would stay "on"
for five minutes when initially turned on prior to moving to the
on-off cycle, so he left her there in the bedroom and walked out to
the kitchen. He retrieved her wine glass from the kitchen sink, got
the bottle of wine from the refrigerator and poured himself a glass.
He got a water glass down from the cupboard and filled it, knowing
that Georgetta would be thirsty after the next hour's activities.
Returning to the bedroom, he settled onto the bed and watched as
Georgetta continued writhing in the chains. A sheen of perspiration
covered her face, neck, and chest, and from the way she was rubbing
her legs together he knew she was getting close. He hoped he had
timed it just right. When she started the slight jiggle, he sat up in
amazement. "Maybe I should have allowed a little more slack in that
chain," he thought to himself. She was bouncing slightly, raising up
onto her tip-toes and then dropping back down. He stood up from the
bed and stepped to her side to watch. She was only lifting her heels
maybe a half-inch off the floor, but the resulting bounce set certain
parts of her anatomy bouncing happily. Her breasts swayed slightly
within the halter, and he thought he could almost make out the shape
of her nipple through the leather. Her dark brown hair jostled softly
around her face, and bounced in back in the ponytail, and the skirt
bounced a bit around her ass and legs. "All in all a most amazing
sight," he thought to himself.
He heard the slight click when the vibrator shut off and watched her
face change from a look of ecstasy to amazement. He winced as she
began swearing at him and calling him every name in the book. He was
surprised at the extent of her vocabulary, wondering where she had
picked up a few of those terms. He appreciated her motions as she
tried to finish the orgasm she had almost had, and had to restrain
himself from releasing her and finishing the task.
Two minutes after the vibrator had shut off it turned on again. He
reached over to the nightstand and opened the drawer, removing the
remote control for the vibrator. Checking his watch, he watched as
Georgetta again began to shake with the upcoming orgasm. The vibrator
was on a fixed three-minute-on-two-minute-off sequence, but he could
override it with the remote control. He hadn't been sure she had
followed his directions to turn it to the second setting - if she had
only turned it to the first setting it would have stayed on and she
would have been well onto her second orgasm by now.
He checked the clock and decided to let a few more minutes pass before
he interrupted things. As he settled back onto the bed, he softly
rubbed his raging hard-on in his jeans. There was no way that any
mortal man could watch someone as beautiful and sexy as Georgetta, in
the attire she was wearing, and the obvious state of sexual heat she
was, and not get incredibly excited.
He watched as she went through an additional four cycles of on-and-off
activity. When the vibrator was on, she would moan and squirm in
place, start the jiggling motion, all in trying to get to that elusive
orgasm. When it was off, she slumped in the chains, and hung in
place, waiting for the next on cycle. She was getting tired, he knew,
and wouldn't last much longer. He intended to tease and torment her
slightly, but certainly not to annoy or get her really mad at him.
As the vibrator click on for the fifth time in the cycle, he triggered
the remote control to "on" and set the vibrator to high. He watched
as her head lifted, and she tried to peer around the room. He knew
she couldn't hear anything, but if she had left some space around the
blindfold she might be able to see him and realize he was here.
* * * * *
She felt the vibrator kick back in, but at a higher rate this time.
The vibrations were more intense, more throbbing, and she hoped beyond
all hope that this time she would finally come!! She really needed
the release of an orgasm, and she was getting almost too horny. But
why was it running at a higher speed?"
Did Chris do that? Is he here with me now, in this room, watching me
as I stand here trying to come? Is he somehow controlling the
vibrator, enjoying his little game?" she thought through the waves.
Her legs were getting sore, her breasts were aching for attention, and
her pussy, no her whole body was screaming at her for release
"Chris - was that you? " she asked, barely managing to form the words
as her body continued to shake. She forget that she would not be able
to hear a reply. "Damnit Chris if you're here I'm going to kill you -
let me out of this thing. Let me out of this and FUCK ME NOW!" she
said, and then was surprised at herself for saying it. She hadn't
meant to say it, but she realized that was what she really wanted -
his hard dick planted deep inside her and the feel of his lips on hers
and his hands on her breasts and the deep thrusts
She came. From somewhere down deep in her toes this roaring sensation
swept through her, and she shook with incredible pleasure as the wave
washed through her. For several long minutes she shook with the
effects, feeling a happy warm feeling overcome her. She slumped in
the chains, drained with the intensity of the orgasm. "Wow" she
thought to herself - that was some orgasm.
As she slowly regained control of her senses, she realized that the
vibrator was still humming, demanding that she pay attention to the
silver intruder still inside her. "Oh no!" she thought to herself as
the pressures began to build again. She shook the chains and yelled
"Chris - enough! Let me out from this! I need you - not some damned
toy!" She thought about using the escape word, but she wasn't sure
that Chris was really here, that he would even release her. Then she
realized that she wasn't yet sure she really wanted to escape...
* * * * *
It took all the control Chris could muster not to go to her shout.
She looked so incredible, so horny, so desirable, and his hard-on was
beginning to cause him pain, he wanted her so much. He had watched
her shake with the orgasm, happy for her and desiring her even more as
the first orgasm of many this evening took her. Steeling himself, he
stood up from the bed and approached her. It was time to let her know
he was here, and to continue the fun. She was recovering from the
first orgasm (or had there been multiple in there?), and it was time
for the next activity.
He picked up the glass of water and moved over to her. He found the
pause switch on the Discman and pressed it, temporarily stopping the
sounds of the sonata. He moved his hand to her right ear and lifted
the ear piece from the headset, resting it just to the side of her
ear. Her head came up immediately and looked towards him. He raised
the glass to her lips and said "Here m'love, have a drink". She
opened her lips and he carefully raised the glass and allowed her to
drink several large sips. When she stopped he took the glass away.
"You can't believe how incredible you look, dear", he said to her.
"Let me free from this and I'll show you how incredible I feel," she
replied, smiling in his direction.
"Oh, but that would be bringing this evening to a finish too soon. I
have a few more surprises for you" he replied.
"I don't know if I can stand anymore like that last one. This
vibrator is an evil thing" she said. They both heard it click back
on, and he watched as she shook briefly with the sensation.
"Bastard," she said.
"Okay, enough talking. You lost the bet" he reminded her. "You've
just begun to pay it off," he said, and then pushed the play switch on
the Discman. He moved the earpiece back into place over her ear and
set the water glass down.
"Uuuuuummmmmmm," she moaned to him.
He stepped behind her and moved his hands to the fastening on her
halter top. He unfastened the strap behind her back and allowed it to
hang loose around her breasts. He fished an ice cube out of the glass
of water and brought it up to her right breast, lifting the leather
halter and applying the ice cube to her nipple. She shrieked at the
cube touched the hardened nipple. Chris rubbed it over and around the
nipple, and the cube melted away in his hand, leaving her breast wet.
He fished out another cube and repeated this on the other breast.
Both nipples were standing straight up and out, and he placed both
hands on them and squeezed and caresses them softly. The intensity of
the moans from Georgetta increased. He was glad to see she wasn't
swearing at him anymore.
He brought her hands up and stroked the soft skin under her neck and
above her breasts. He slowly lifted her head up and brought his lips
to hers. She met him with a passionate kiss, thrusting her tongue to
meet his. As they kissed he stroked her hair and caressed her ears,
moving slowly up and down the sides of her face and neck. Chris slid
his finger up inside the blindfold and lifted it up above her
forehead, looking into her wonderful brown eyes. She opened them
slowly, blinking in the light.
She looked at him with a combination of both rage and passion. She
was both crazy with lust for him but also mad at him for locking her
into this position and causing this sexual frustration.
"I'm going to seriously hurt you when you let me out of this" she said
to him when they broke off their kiss.
He kissed her again and replied "maybe I'd best not release you just
yet then. Can't have you threatening me!" He smiled at her, and then
dropped his hands to her underarms, giving her a slight tickle. It
worked as she dissolved into a giggle spasm. This quickly gave way to
another shudder and moan as the vibrator continued to thrum inside
"Can't you do something about this?", she asked, thrusting her hips
towards him. The invitation on her face was easily readable.
Chris stepped back and quickly looked her over. "Let me see, now.
Maybe we should remove this skirt" he said to her. He stepped forward
and dropped his fingers to the zipper on the miniskirt. He allowed
his hands ample opportunity to caress her thigh as he worked the
zipper upward and then allowed it to fall away from her hips. He
caught his breath once again at how incredible she looked. Stepping
to the side, he appraised his bound girlfriend. The panty had worked
its way into the cleft in her buttocks, becoming almost a total thong.
The garter belt framed the front of her panty, with the tops of her
stockings ending a few inches from the panty and revealing a stretch
of tanned flesh. The boots and the heels added the most interesting
curves to her already well defined and toned legs, thighs, and butt.
A slight protrusion from between her legs indicated the end of the
vibrator that was mostly inside of her. She shook again and closed
her eyes as its vibrations continued inside her.
He stepped back over to the bed and picked up the remote control. He
aimed it towards her.
* * * * *
"What does that do?" she asked him. Having been blindfolded before
when he had worked the remote, she didn't know what the device did.
When he pressed a button though, she found out. The vibrations
suddenly speeded up a bit "Ohhhhhhhhh," she sighed. "That's -
uummmmmmm - what that does." She shut her eyes and tried not to think
about what the vibrator was doing inside her. Then it sped up again
another setting. She opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her, and
then watched as he set the control down on the bed again.
He dropped to his knees and fished around under the bed, bringing out
a duffel bag from under the bed. Standing up, he dropped the bag on
the bed and unzipped it, and began fishing around inside it. He
pulled out a two foot black rod with hooks on each end and approached
her with it.
"What is that for?" she asked. "Are you going to - ummmmmmmmpphhh --
beat me now for swearing at you?" She said this in a joking tone, but
was a bit apprehensive as he crossed the short distance over to her.
"I would never do that to you my love, not even in a fantasy such as
this", he replied and stepped behind her. He laid a light smack on
her butt causing her to jump forward slightly. "A light spanking now
and then perhaps, but nothing serious," he said into her ear.
* * * * *
Chris placed the bar on the floor, and then stood up. He reached up
underneath her hair and found the clasp for the necklace. He undid
the hook, and then brought the necklace down. The keys slid off one
end into his palm. He then refastened the necklace around her neck.
Bending down, he grabbed one of her booted feet and unlocked one end
of the chain locking them together. Picking up the end of the bar, he
locked the fastening on the end of the bar to the ring on her boot.
Switching his stance, he grabbed her right booted foot and pushed it
outwards to his right. He moved the bar between her legs and fastened
the end of the bar to her right boot. Standing up, he appraised her
work. Her legs were now held apart approximately two feet. Her butt
was tight and slightly tilted back towards him. He couldn't resist,
and dropped his hands to her, caressing and fondling her cheeks. She
turned her head towards him, trying to watch what he was doing.
She was almost perfectly positioned - but just a bit too low for him.
Even with the heels on the boots, Georgetta was still more than a foot
shorted than he was, and that made what he had in mind somewhat
difficult. He walked over to the closet and removed the two milk
crates he had stashed inside. He brought the two crates back over to
Georgetta. Although she was watching him, she was quiet, occasionally
closing her eyes to enjoy the sensations of the vibrator still working
inside her. He knew that his actions that had spread her legs had
shifted the vibrator inside her to a new position, and that had
resulted in a new round of sensations for her already exceptionally
horny and wet pussy.
He placed one of the crates behind either of her feet, and the stepped
directly behind her. He placed both hands on her hips and lifted her
easily off the floor. Using his left foot, he slid the milk crate
behind her left leg underneath her, and then repeated the process with
the right milk crate and foot. He then set her down slightly on the
two crates. This had the desired effect of now moving her butt (and
other desirable parts) directly opposite his own sex tool.
However, the extra ten inches of height had given her that much more
chain free for her hands, and she was reaching around with both hands,
trying to grab him. He dodged the first hand and then caught her
wrist with his own left hand, reaching into the pocket of his jeans
for the carabiner. He found it and quickly caught it through one of
the links of the chain. He let go of her hand, reached up, and pulled
down on the chain, jerking her other hand up. He took the slack out
of the chain, and then locked the carabiner closed, eliminating the
slack in the chain. He fished the other carabiner out of his pocket,
and then slipped it through the links in the chain close to her
wrists, locking her wrists together. She was again locked up tight.
* * * * *
"But we could have so much more fun if I could touch you," she said to
him. She had almost gotten the keys away from him. Although she was
definitely enjoying herself, she was tired of standing in the heels,
with her hands locked tightly over her head. She really wanted to be
fucked, to feel him with her hands and press his body up to hers, and
he didn't seem to be moving too quickly towards fulfilling that need.
He looked incredible. When she had caught a glimpse of him, she
realized he had gone the biker route as well. His jeans were tight
around his legs and butt, and he had gotten a pair of big, black
motorcycle boots. He was wearing a sleeveless Harley Davidson
T-shirt, with the big Harley logo with the Eagle and Snakes on the
front. He had ripped off the sleeves, and his arm muscles flexed as
he moved around the room, and adjusted her bonds. It was only his
short haircut that didn't fit the image he was trying to project. He
was still a clean-shaven corporate type, no matter what else he wore.
But he almost pulled it off.
She had tried to kick him when he had unlocked his boot, more to keep
the fantasy going than in any attempt to do him harm. She didn't want
to hurt him, she just wanted him. She was so incredibly turned on,
and she could feel the next orgasm building as he adjusted the bar
between her feet. When he reached around her, he could feel how hard
we was through his jeans as he pressed himself up against her backside
to lift her onto the milk crates. She imagined she could feel the
shape of his penis through his jeans as he pressed into her butt. And
then when he had lifted her onto the two crates, the motion had really
set that vibrations inside her going. The vibrator felt like it was
several inches deep into her, and was just humming up a storm down
there. She could feel the pressure building again, and it was only
her concentration on what Chris was doing that was holding it off.
When he reached up and tried to adjust the tension in the chain
holding her arms, she tried to jump onto him, trying to feel him. He
caught her though, and adjusted the tension in the chain to the point
where she was almost suspended in air by the cuffs on her wrists. She
was still touching the tops of the milk crates, but she couldn't get
any leverage. Worse - she couldn't seem to get the jiggle motion
going - the tension in the chains and the holes in the tops of the
milk crates completely frustrated her attempts.
He stepped behind her and she felt his hands again on her backside.
He was softly moving his hands over her, caressing and touching her.
She felt his lips on the small of her back, and then his kisses as he
worked down her back and to her butt. His hands found the inside of
her thighs, followed soon by his lips and tongue. She felt him attack
the clasp on the panty on her right hip, releasing it, and then
pushing her panty down her other leg. His hands and fingers moved
inside of her, grasping the vibrator and slowly sliding it out.
"Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she gasped as it slipped free.
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm" she said as he replaced it with his fingers and his
tongue. She was about to yell at him to put it back in as she was
soooooo close, but then she felt his lips and tongue between her legs,
felt his tongue on her clitoris. She could feel him still holding the
vibrator up against her, but she could also feel his lips and tongue.
She lost track of time as she lost herself in the incredible feelings
coming from between her legs.
She could feel one hand on her buttock, while the other was holding
the tip of the vibrator up against her clitoris. He had turned it up
to high and it was buzzing at full speed on her extremely sensitive
nub. His tongue and lips were at work just below it, thrusting inside
and out, and kissing up and down her pussy. Every twenty or thirty
seconds or so he would pull away and slide the vibrator inside her,
and then move it around within her, hitting just about every nerve
ending within her, before pulling it out and placing his tongue back
on her. Her breasts were throbbing, hell her head and every other
part of her was throbbing from all of this attention. Her first
orgasm was going to pale in comparison to the one she could feel
She felt him pull away from her again and was waiting to feel the
thrust of the vibrator, but then she felt something else instead. He
was nuzzling her with the head of his cock. Turning her head, she saw
that he had dropped his jeans and released his cock from his briefs,
and was now slowly moving the head up and down, almost but not quite
pushing into her. She tried to push back onto him, to get him inside
of her, but couldn't get the leverage to move at all. "Chris!!!!!!"
she yelled at him, "please now!!!! Put that big cock in me!!!" She
was surprised at her own use of such explicit words, but right now
that didn't matter one fucking bit. She wanted to be fucked and his
cock was soo close to her...
And then he pushed inside of her, and she felt the orgasm take her.
As he filled her up, she felt it break, and she dropped completely,
letting her wrists and the chains take her weight. She felt his
wrists grab her hips and hold her up, letting her shake and come while
he held her up, supporting her with his hands and his cock wedged deep
inside of her. As she stopped shaking and the feelings subsided she
felt him start to pull out, and then drive back into her. He started
slowly and then began to pick up the rhythm, thrusting into her.
His hands held her hips in place, and he drove in and out of her, for
several minutes and then stopped. He stayed deep inside, and then
slowly-oh-so-slowly-oh-so-goddamned-slowly-what-a-feeling pulled out.
It seemed to her that he was hardly moving, but then she felt the tip
of his cock slip out of her. She felt Chris nuzzle her with the head,
rubbing it up and down her. He then moved just slightly inside of
her, moving just a bit up and down, teasing her. She tried to push
herself backwards onto him, but again was foiled by the bondage. She
knew she was moaning but didn't care.
And then he started inward again. Slowly, again so slowly, he inched
into her. It seemed to her that he was just going deeper and deeper
into her, in a never-ending thrust. Chris was fairly well-endowed,
she thought, at least based on her limited experience and what her
friends had shared with her over cocktails and all night girls chat
sessions, but it just seemed to her that he kept inserting more and
more of himself into her. She was starting to think that she knew
what those stories meant when they said "he pushed so deep that she
could almost taste him". Finally, just as she was about to scream out,
she felt his hips meet her ass. He held her there, balancing her, and
then began a slight fucking motion. He would pull out an inch or so
and then back in, repeating this about a dozen times, slowly, in and
out, and began to build his speed. She could his hear breathing
quicken as he continued fucking her. His right hand worked its way
around her and found her right breast and nipple, still covered
partially by the leather halter top.
He thrust inside of her again and then stopped once again. She felt
his hands leave her hips and slide around the front of her chest,
grabbing her breasts with either hand. He reached up then, moving his
hands underneath her hair to the back of her neck, and she felt his
fingers on the clasp of the neck band of the halter. He unfastened it
and tossed it on the floor in front of her.
She stood there (sort-of), suspended on his penis, slightly wobbly on
her boot heels. She looked down at her breasts and her hard nipples,
and watched as his hands reached down to roughly grasp and twist her
sensitive breasts. She felt like every nerve in her body was
screaming, and then Chris started moving again behind her.
Georgetta could not believe how turned on she was. She could feel
every move and thrust of Chris inside of her. She could feel his
hands softly caressing her breasts, and then twisting and pinching her
nipples. She wanted to turn and run her hands over him, but at the
same time she felt just so incredibly sexy and irresponsible - Chris
was doing all the work, taking all of the effort to satisfy her, and
by being in the bonds, she had no guilt at all about letting herself
enjoy the attention. It was, in a strange way, the ultimate in luxury
- she was being pampered and spoiled. She'd already had two orgasms
(or was that three!), and was getting a good hard fucking. She was
being spoiled - if you sort of ignored the fact she was tied up and
spread-eagled on two milk crates!
She moaned again, louder this time, as Chris continued fondling her
breasts. "God", she loved to have her breasts played with - they were
just so sensitive. "ummmmmppppff," she exclaimed, as he drove into
her. His hands moved down to her hips and held her steady, and he
began slamming in and out of her. Deep thrusts inside of her where
she could here the slap of their skin meeting and felt his balls bang
against her thighs followed by a quick pull-out and then another deep
thrust, and another and another --- and then suddenly she felt him
coming inside of her. He pulled her backwards onto him, rapidly
slamming her up and down as he orgasmed inside of her. She couldn't
take it and exploded again with a third orgasm herself, shaking and
Chapter 6: What would you do with a passed out maiden?
Chris stood there, panting heavily, and felt his pulse slow.
Georgetta was quiet, not making a noise. She was hanging loosely in
the chain from the ceiling, her weight partially supported by the
cuffs and chains on her wrists and partially on Chris's prick buried
deep inside her.
Slowly, Chris eased out of her. The head of his rod popped from
inside her pussy with a soft popping sound.
"Wow," he thought to himself. That was some orgasm that the two of
them had just shared. He moved around Georgetta and looked at her
face. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing softly.
"Georgetta?" he asked her. "Georgetta??" he said again softly. He
brought his hand up and softly caressed the side of her face. She
didn't stir. "She's either faking this or she really did pass out
from that last orgasm," Chris thought to himself.
He stepped back from her and walked to the nightstand. He pulled
several tissues from the bedside table and wiped his penis clean,
tossing the tissue into the basket beside the dresser.
Looking at the suspended form of his girlfriend, an idea struck him.
He walked to the bed and fished through the duffel bag, and pulled out
the set of nipple clamps. He had originally thought of including
these in the package he had left on her doorstep, but thought that the
device might be pushing it a bit. The vibrator had been a major risk
as it was, as he hadn't been sure if she would go through with even
that. Up until now, there sex life had been pretty straightforward.
Incredibly good, but other than different types of lingerie, pretty
basic. The vibrator and the leather and the light bondage had really
been a big step over that previous line.
He walked over to Georgetta and admired her breasts. The nipples were
still erect and upright, resting beautifully atop each of her
wonderful firm breasts. He thumbed open the clip on one end of the
chain and brought it up to her right nipple. "If she's faking, this
should bring about a response" he thought. He closed the clamp around
the base of the nipple, expecting a sudden shout or movement.
Georgetta remained motionless, with just her soft breathing and motion
of her chest continuing.
Chris applied the other clamp to her left nipple and stepped back.
The two clamps were joined by a gleaming golden chain, that matched
the golden chain around her waist and neck and the gold hoops in her
ears. He hooked the one pound lead fishing weight into one of the
center loops of the chain and set it swinging slightly. Not much
weight, but she would certainly notice it.
He found the vibrator on the floor where he had tossed it and turned
the ring on the bottom to its lowest setting, and then walked behind
her. He kneeled down and pressed the buzzing tip of the toy against
her lips, carefully pressing it against her. As wet as she was, with
both his last load of cum and her own juices, it slipped right in, and
he had no trouble pushing it fully into her until only the end knob
protruded from within her.
The leather panty she had been wearing earlier in the evening was
still around one leg, and he slid it carefully up her calf and then
pulled it up into place on her right hip. He fastened the clasp on
her left hip, and centered the fabric over the vibrator, pushing it
firmly into place.
He stood up and walked back in front of her, appraising his handiwork.
"She should be waking up in a moment or two," he thought. Perhaps
I'll have a glass of wine while I await her, and walked past her and
into the kitchen, still naked.
* * * * *
A few minutes later, Georgetta opened her eyes and looked around her,
blearily. It took her a few minutes to recall what was going on, why
her hands were above her head and why her feet were starting to hurt.
It took her another few minutes to recall what that buzzing feeling
was inside her. But what really was causing her some puzzlement was
why her breasts were tingling so much - that is until she looked down
and saw the chain and the weight and the clips on her breasts and
Georgetta's breasts were incredibly sensitive, and the pressure from
the two clips, even as small as they were, was pretty intense. She
bit her lip as the tightness of the clips combined with the buzzing of
the vibrator started her on yet another orgasmic hill. She turned her
head from side to side, trying to spot Chris, but saw no sign of him.
His jeans, boots, and black Harley Davidson T-shirt were still
scattered on the floor around her, so she assumed that he was still
around. Even that little bit of motion set the weight suspended
between her breasts swinging, and she felt her nipples protest at
being tugged and pulled on like this.
She had enjoyed the evening up until now, but this was just about too
much. Time to get Chris in here and stop this, she thought. "What
was the word he had written in that letter that would let her stop
this?" she thought to herself, and then remembered. "Thunderbird!!!",
she cried out. "Thunderbird, Thunderbird, Thunderbird already. God
damn fucking Thunderbird right now!!" she yelled over her shoulder in
the direction of the bedroom door.
Chris walked in a few seconds later and came around to stand in front
of her. "Hi honey," he said. "Did you say something to me? He
asked, smiling all the time. He was naked in front of her, holding
two glasses of wine. She couldn't help but look down at him to see
that he was semi-aroused already.
As clearly and calmly as she could, Georgetta said to him, "I said
Thunderbird - time to take a break from this." She was surprised at
herself for saying "break" and not "end". "Could I really be enjoying
this that much?" she thought to herself. And then she felt another
twinge from that part of her body that was refusing to listen to her
logical thought and was responding to the feelings the vibrator was
engendering inside her, that was causing little waves of pleasure to
ripple from inside her pussy up through her stomach and to her breasts
and nipples.
Chris lifted one of the glasses upwards, bringing it into contact with
her right nipple. The coldness of the glass coupled with the physical
bump surprised her, and she jerked away. Of course, this caused the
weight to sway and tug on her nipples again, sending further tremors
through her breasts. She felt like her nipples were connected
directly to the nerves inside her pussy, and then both sets were
hooked up to the pleasure center in her brain, and her knees staggered
In the sexiest and most sensual voice she could muster up, she said to
him, "Let me out of this and I'll give you the fucking of your life!"
She realized that she indeed meant it too. She was incredibly turned
on, and wanted to feel his prick buried deep inside of her again.
Chris bought the wine glass that was near her right breast up to her
mouth and tipped it to her slightly, allowing her to take a few sips.
The wine was cold and refreshing, and she leaned forward to take
another gulp. He turned away from her then and walked over to set the
glasses down on her dresser.
He stepped back in front of her and dropped to one knee in front of
her. Standing on the milk crates like she was with her legs still
spread apart by the bar attached to her ankles, she felt completely
exposed to him, even though she knew he had placed the panty back
around her. She felt his hands reach up and undo the catch on the
side of the panty, and then slide it down her other leg. He reached
up to grab the vibrator, but it seemed to her that his fingers were
suddenly clumsy, as he twirled and twisted the end several times
inside her before grasping the end with one hand. She closed her
eyes, moaning loudly and not caring at all. She felt like her body
was betraying her, refusing to answer to her direction and commands.
All she could think about was how incredible the feelings in her
breasts and pussy felt at that moment.
And then she felt him withdraw the vibrator from inside her. She
opened her eyes and looked down to see him twist the knob at the
bottom and turn it off, setting it down on the milk crate next to her
boot. She sighed softly, and he grinned up at her. He stood up and
brought his hands up behind her neck, and she could feel him fumble
with the clasp on the necklace. She could feel him pressing against
her slightly, his chest against her breasts and nipples, his penis
rubbing against her. Her hips moved, involuntarily she thought,
trying to press herself against his rod. She smiled innocently at
He brought his hands down holding an end of the necklace in either
hand, and took the silver keys from the chain. He kneeled down
between her legs and unfastened the bar from her left ankle, and then
turned and did the same to her right. An idea struck her as she was
watching him unlock her legs, and turned her wrists and hands inward,
securely grabbing hold of each end of the chain attached to her
wrists. After he unlocked her right ankle, freeing her legs and
started to get up, she pulled down on the chain and swing her legs out
around his head, and pulled his face directly into her pussy. She
locked her legs behind his head and rested her thighs on either
shoulder, positioning his lips and tongue directly in front of her
throbbing and very wet pussy.
Chris brought his hands up and grasped one of her butt cheeks in each
hand. She felt his tongue between her legs and then pressing between
her lips to lick fiercely at her clitoris. She rolled her head back
and closed her eyes, and a moan of pure lust escaped from her lips.
"OH my God, Oh-my-God, Ooh-my-god" she screamed out as Chris worked
his tongue up and down over her lips and clitoris, tongue fucking her
and then teasing her. She felt the rush and brought her legs up and
around his head, locking him between her thighs and letting her weight
rest on his shoulders as the orgasm took her.
"Oh-my-gooooooodddddddd! She screamed, letting the word slowly escape
from her lips as Chris's magical tongue kept up its pressure on her
tender clitoris.
Slowly, Chris stopped the tonguing action between her legs, and she
felt his hands slowly prying her thighs apart from around his head.
He guided each of her booted feet onto a milk crate and then stood up
in front of her.
"I know you really enjoyed that, but you were cutting off my oxygen
down there, my love" he said to her. He brought his hands up to
softly caress her breasts and brought his lips to hers in a kiss. She
kissed him back, strongly and fiercely, tasting herself on his lips
and tongue. Their tongues exchanged jabs and thrusts. Then she felt
his thumbs pass over her nipples and tug slightly on the chain, which
sent waves through her aching nipples, and kissed him harder.
"That wasn't part of my plan!" he said to her, but his smile let her
know that he had enjoyed her bit of rebellion as well. Another idea
struck her, and she waited for him to finish untying her. She licked
her lips suggestively, and asked him "Won't you finish untying me,
stud?" She tried to smile at him with her most winsome,
"gee-aren't-I-so gorgeous-and-wonderful-and
every-man-does-anything-I-ask look. A flutter or two of her eyelashes
finished setting the hook.
He stepped away and bent over to the floor, picking up the keys where
they had fallen from his hands. He stepped up and raised the keys to
her wrists, unlocking one end of the chain from the cuff on her right
wrist. He let that end of the chain go and carefully brought both her
arms down. The chain still attached to her left wrist slid through
the ring in the beam on the ceiling, and he caught one end of the
chain and then unfastened the clasp from that wrist as well. She
brought both her arms down around his shoulders and pulled him to her
for another series of passionate kisses.
Suddenly she gave him a hard shove. Slightly off balance, he fell
backwards onto the bed behind him to look up at her.
"You god-damned-son-of-a-bitch!" she yelled at him. She stepped down
off of the milk crate and took the two steps to the side of the bed to
stand in front of him. "You asshole!!!!" she screamed at him
(although it took every ounce of control she had not to immediately
stagger and fall to the floor when the motion from the swinging weight
between her breasts from the simple act of stepping down was pure
torture to her tender breasts). She tried to ignore it and continued
Chris moved slightly back away from her, moving onto the bed. His
face showed a look of confusion. She glanced into the mirror beside
the bed above the table and caught a glimpse of herself. Her hair was
disheveled and askew. Her breasts were red and heaving, the nipples
erect, and the chain between her nipples was gleaming in the lights
from beside her bed. The black stockings were still somehow around
her thighs. She looked incredibly sexy, and she knew it.
She stepped up carefully onto the bed, balancing carefully on the
heels as the mattress gave slightly beneath each booted foot, again
ignoring the messages her nipples were sending to her brain, and stood
above him, glowering down at him. He lay on the bed, reclining
backwards, resting his upper body on his elbows as he looked up at
her. There was uncertainty on his face, not quite sure what she was
saying and meaning. She knew he was confused. His cock, however, had
no such confusion - it was standing straight up in the air, pointing
up at her.
She stood with a booted foot on either side of him. She brought the
toe of her right boot up and nudged his dick with the tip. "What is
this, you piece of shit? You expect to fuck me after what you did to
me this evening???"
He looked down at her toe as it pressed against the tip of his dick.
She was enjoying this, watching him afraid of her. But enough was
enough, she thought to herself. She moved her foot away from his
dick, and stepped beside his hip, placing her feet squarely on either
side of his hips. Suddenly, she sat down, carefully grabbing his
penis and impaling herself onto it, jamming it smoothly inside of her
wet pussy.
The sudden feeling of him penetrating deep into her was incredible.
She leaned her head back and yelled at the ceiling in pleasure. She
tilted her head back down and looked at him, and then leaned forward
and kissed him hard on the lips. She dropped her arms to his chest
and pushed upwards, lifting herself off of his penis only to let
herself plunge back down, sinking him even deeper inside of her. She
started moving on top of him, slowly and deliberately fucking him,
lifting herself up and then back down onto him. He slowly recovered
from his surprise and begin moving his hips to her rhythm, meeting her
stroke for stroke. His hands grasped her waist and lifted her
slightly before allowing her to thrust into her depths again.
His hands came up then and grabbed either breast. She felt his
fingers go to her left breast and grab the nipple clamp. He thumbed
the release and she gasped as the blood rushed back into her swollen
nipple. She stopped moving and stayed there, hung on his penis inside
her as the feelings in her pussy rushed through her body and up to her
breast. She felt like every sexual impulse in her entire body was
linked somehow to the tip of her left nipple, screaming in agony and
release as she felt feeling restored to the breast. He brought his
head forward and kissed the breast, softly licking and caressing the
nipple and aureole.
He brought his hands over to her other breast, but to her surprise she
reached up and stopped him. She grabbed his fingers and lifted them
to her lips and kissed the,. "Leave it," she said to him. "I'm not
sure I ...release...that" she gasped to him, the words coming quickly and
breathlessly from her lips. The small fishing weight now hung
entirely from her right breast, and each time she raised herself up
off of Chris it pulled down on her nipple.
She dropped her hands to either of his shoulders and pushed up, slowly
lifting herself off him again. She settled into a rocking motion,
lifting and dropping herself to a sensuous rhythm. He watched,
amazement on his face as she fucked him back and forth. Every few
seconds, she would slow down and then contract her vaginal muscles,
giving his cock a friendly squeeze. She knew he loved this. She
watched his face and could see that he was getting close.
She stopped her movement and carefully brought first one heel up next
to his hip, and then the other. She reached up above him and grabbed
hold of the headboard with both hands. Flexing her thigh muscles and
pulling on the headboard, she lifted off of his prick almost entirely
and then slowly lowered herself back onto him. He knew what she was
doing and used his hands to support her thighs and butt, and together
they started the motion. This was their favorite position, as it was
incredibly stimulating, and she knew that neither of them would last
for too long doing this. Besides, she had forgotten about the nipple
clip and its associated weight, and she almost screamed as it flopped
back and forth as she lifted and lowered herself onto him.
She locked eyes with him and then looked down to watch his penis
disappear inside of her, and increased the up-and-down motion, This
was too much for him, and after several up-and-down thrusts she heard
him cry out as he exploded inside her. She could feel the liquid
gushing inside as she rocked back and forth on his hard shaft. She
lifted up off him one last time and then dropped quickly onto him,
driving him deep inside, and she came as well. The strength in her
legs gave out, and she felt him lifting her slightly up and down,
continuing the thrusting sensations. Finally, he stopped lifting her
and she collapsed forward on top of him, her hair covering his face
and neck.
He looked up at her and said to her "Thunderbird". She collapsed in
giggles on his chest. She could feel the small tears in her eyes as
she looked up at him and smiled. "Payback is a bitch, you realize..."
Chris looked up at her and smiled, and kissed her.