Chapter 1

"So, Miss Brooks, why are you applying for this job?"
Jennifer looked down at her hands when she replied. "Mister
Hane... I think that I would be very good at this job."
He stared at her, and Jennifer met his gaze for a moment. before
looking away again. "Did you understand all of the requirements that
I have for this position?"
Jennifer fidgeted with the sleeve on her blouse. "I think so.
You are looking for a maid to work in your household. To cook and
clean and that sort of thing."
There was a short silence. "Is that it?"
Jennifer swallowed hard. "W... what do you mean?"
Mister Hane sighed. "If you had not figured that out from my
letter, I think that we should end this interview now."
"No! Please!" Jennifer said, raising her voice for the first
time. "I really need this job! It's the only one with a decent
enough salary..."
"So it's just the money you want."
Jennifer's chin quivered as she spoke. "What else do you want
from me?" she said, looking him in the eye. "Does it have something
to do with that little notecard you put in the envelope?" She saw
him nod slightly. "I really haven't been out on my own very long.
If you could just explain it to me, maybe I could understand it."
Mister Hane sat in thought. He slid his chair back away from
the desk and stood up. "You've put me into an uncomfortable
situation," he said.
"Please, Richard," she said, using his first name, "give me a
Richard Hane looked her over closely. She was a young woman,
probably no more than twenty one years of age. She had medium length
curly brown hair that framed a soft, round face. Two green eyes
looked out from it, meeting his eyes briefly before darting away.
She wore a pretty pink stitched white blouse with a light brown
skirt. Her matching shoes had inch long square heels, and her feet
were twitching, nervously.
"If you are indeed serious about this..."
"I am!" she said.
"I should tell you that there is a reason for the high salary
that I am offering. I am looking for something more than just a
housekeeper. I am looking for someone to do more... personal
"What?" Jennifer said, confused. "What kind of personal
services?" After a few seconds, another thought crossed her mind.
"I'm not a hooker!" she said.
"I never accused you of that," he said, as he walked over to
her. "If I allowed you to take the job, when could you start?"
"Right away!" she said.
A slight smile came across his face. "What if I said that I
would like you to start immediately. Right now."
She looked up at him. "But my things are still at my
apartment..." Richard did not say anything. "I... guess that I
don't really have much there, come to think about it. Except my
"That will be taken care of." Richard gestured for her to get
up. "I have a contract ready for you to sign."
"A contract?" she said, as she stood up. A smile was forming on
her face. "You're going to give me the job?"
"If you want it, after I explain a few things." He went over to
his desk and took out several papers from a drawer. "You can read
the contract first, of course, before signing anything."
Jennifer started to read, then shook her head. "This is
gibberish. It looks like a lawyer wrote it. Can you just explain it
to me?"
"Certainly. Pages one and two describe the length and terms of
service, and the compensation. In essence, the length of time is one
year. The payment is $150,000, payable in full at the end of the
time. During this time, all of your expenses will be covered and
room and board will be provided. Should you choose to break the
contract, the payment will be greatly diminished, only $2000 per
month worked. However, should I dismiss you early, without you
breaking any of the conditions of the contract, you are entitled
$12,500 per month worked. Oh, this position is considered to be a
salaried position."
"One hundred fifty..." she said in a low voice.
"Pages three and four describe the duties that are to be
expected of you. Failure to perform these duties is grounds for your
dismissal, with the lower compensation being given to you."
"What are the duties?" Jennifer asked.
"They include all of the typical duties of a housekeeper.
Cooking, cleaning, making the beds, and the like. You will be
considered to be on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, though of
course you will be given time to yourself. Additionally, there is a
dress code associated with this position, and the uniforms will be
"Dress code? That doesn't sound like a big deal. Where do I
"Right here," he said, handing her a pen.
She signed the four sheets of paper without reading any more of
it. "I will make copies of this for both of us," he said, as he put
the papers back into his desk. "Let me show you to your room."
There was a stairway up to the second floor, but Richard led her
to a doorway that was on the first floor. As he followed him, he had
a chance to examine his walking profile. He seemed to be in good
physical shape, and she decided that he had a very cute butt. "This
will be your room," he said. "Your first assignment is inside. You
will find a tape measure and a sheet of paper. Please measure
yourself as indicated on the sheet, so that we can have your uniforms
made up. After that, you can have the rest of the day off to
yourself. Just report back here first thing tomorrow morning. Oh,"
he said, opening up another drawer of his desk. "Here is a five
hundred dollar advance on your salary."
Jennifer took the offered money, with a bit of disbelief in her
eyes. "Really?" she said.
"Really," he replied. "Just be back here at nine o'clock in the
Jennifer looked at the outfit on the bed in disbelief. "This is
a dress code?" she said aloud.
Richard had left her alone in her bedroom to prepare for the
day. Jennifer picked up the first item and examined it. It was a
pair of black patent shoe with a black stiletto heel that were easily
five inches long. The other one was still on the bed. There were
two straps on it, one an ankle strap and the other was a mid strap.
Both had small buckles on them.
A pair of fishnet pantyhose was also there. She walked around
the bed, and picked up the last item.
It was a one piece french maid uniform. It was made of a shiny
black vinyl material, and still had a strong plastic smell. The
sleeves were long, and the skirt had a very full crinoline sewn right
into it.
Jennifer thought about walking out right then, and confronting
Mr Hane. But then she remembered the five hundred dollars that she
had just spent last night.
"Oh, god, what if I had to give it back?" she whispered aloud.
She did some mental math and mumbled as she did it. "If I leave, I
get $2000 a month. That's about $500 a week. So I just have to do
this for a week, and then I can get out of here."
With a sigh, she took her clothes off. First, the fishnet
stockings. The feeling was a bit odd as she slipped them on. She
couldn't remember ever having worn fishnets before.
Next, she unzipped the vinyl maids outfit and put it on. It fit
rather tightly around the waist. She had some trouble zipping it up.
Last, she sat down as she put on the shoes and buckled the
straps. As she stood up, she had to grab ahold of the bedpost to
balance herself. "God, how am I going to walk in these things?"
As she walked over to the door, she saw herself in the full
length mirror that was attached to the back of the door. The dress
was form fitting around the waist, and the skirt was extremely full.
But it barely came down low enough to hide her privates. In front,
it was cut so low that it barely covered her nipples. "If I bend
over, everyone's going to see me!" she said. She saw her own ankles
wobble as she tried to balance in the heels.
Slowly, she opened the door and stepped outside of her room.
She heard the sound of a voice from the kitchen, so she slowly walked
towards it, making sure to stay near a wall.
Richard was there, talking on the phone. When he saw Jennifer
enter, he ended his conversation and hung up. "That will do," he
said, walking over to her.
Jennifer's face was flushed with embarassment as she stood
there. "What should I do?" she said to fill the silence.
She was almost expecting him to fondle her, or say something
lewd. "I'm in the mood for a late breakfast," he said. "Ham and
cheese omlet with just a few onions. You should find everything in
the refrigerator, and the cookware is in the cabinets below the
She was surprised by this. But then again, she didn't know what
to expect. "Mister Hane?" she asked as she slowly walked toward the
refrigerator. "Why do you have a dress code... like this?"
He smiled a bit at this, and looked at the ceiling as he thought
of a reply. "Well, I'm a rich man. I know what I like to see. And,
to be quite honest, I like the way that you look when wearing that."
She opened up the refrigerator and started to hunt for
ingredients. There was the butter, the eggs, the cheese..."Am I
going to have to dress up like this every day?" she asked.
"No, definitely not," he said, and she let out a sigh of relief.
"This is just what we could get on short notice. More will be
More? she thought. More what? Her mind took a different turn
as she remembered him calling himself a 'rich man'. "Are you
married?" she asked as she closed the refrigerator door.
"Actually, no," he said. "I haven't met the right person yet."
She slowly walked back into her room and closed the door behind
her. "My feet are killing me," she said. She tried to kick them
off, but was reminded of the fact that there were straps keeping them
in place.
Jennifer sat down on the bed and unbuckled her shoes. She
sighed in relief as she threw the shoes across the room. Her hands
massaged her feet and ankles for several minutes.
She took some time to survey the room. She had not paid much
attention to her room before, as she had had other things on her
mind. There was a stereo system, a television, a huge dresser, and
the king sized bed that she was now sitting on. As she fumbled with
the zipper at the back of her outfit, she noticed that there was a
door ajar that led to a private bathroom.
She slid her hot sweaty body out of the vinyl maids outfit and
took off the fishnets. "A bath!" she said, and raced in the nude to
the bathroom.
All of the fixings for a long bath were there, which included a
huge whirlpool bathtub. After filling the tub, she slid in and let
the swirling hot water take the tension out of her body.
She thought back to her day. Richard was with her most of the
day, showing her the house as he had her do chores. It was just
cleaning, dusting, cooking, and the like. Every time that she bent
over, she could feel his eyes on her buttocks. But he never said
anything about it, and he never touched her once.
She had to conclude that Richard was an attractive man. He was
a touch over six feet tall, with dark brown eyes and a full set of
hair. From what she could gather of his phone conversations, she
concluded that he was some kind of investor, making his money by
moving stocks and bonds around.
As she relaxed, she thought about her own situation. She was in
the house of a rich perverted vouyer, walking around in an
embarassing outfit for his eyes only. Rich single perverted vouyer,
she reminded herself. He should be able to afford more servants, she
thought, but she had not seen anyone else in the huge house. There
must be at least thirty rooms, she thought.
Then there was the money. She had been out on her own for
almost six months, but had lost her job a couple of months ago. With
unpaid bills everywhere, she was about to lose her apartment. Then,
the only place she could have gone is back to her mother's house.
No! I'm not going back to live with that witch! she said. She
realized that she wouldn't have to move back, if she stayed here.
This was a live in position, and she had used the advance to pay some
of her back rent. The woman at the desk had given her another month
to come up with the rest.
Wouldn't it be nice to move everything in here? a part of her
thought. I wouldn't have to pay any rent, there would a big check at
the end, and I would work for cute boss! Then she looked out into
the bedroom and saw the shoes on the floor and the black vinyl maid's
outfit on the bed.
"Let's make a decision after a week," she said out loud.
When she got out of the bathtub, she could not find her street
clothes anywhere. Out of habit, she put away the maid's outfit and
shoes in the huge but empty walk-in closet before going to bed.
She awoke to the sound of a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" she said loudly.
"It's nine thirty," came Richard's voice from the other side of
the door. "You should have been out here a half of an hour ago."
Hurriedly, she left the bed and went to the door. Then she
realized that she was completely naked. With a moment of hesitation,
she turned and went to the closet. "I'll be out in a minute!"
The fishnets, black vinyl maid's outfit, and five inch spiked
shoes were on in a couple of minutes. When she emerged from the
room, still wobbly on her heels, she saw Richard waiting for her just
outside her doorway.
"Late the second day on the job," he said. "We'll have to do
something about that."
I can't lose this job yet! she thought to herself. Is he going
to fire me?
Richard shook his head and said nothing more of it. "Move along
and get breakfast started," he said. "I'll be there soon."
She saw Richard pick up a large cardboard box and walk into her
room. She was about to ask him about it, then thought better of it
and headed for the kitchen, still unsure in the high stiletto heels.
As she cooked, she thought that she heard the sound of power
tools. She had finished breakfast for two and was still waiting for
him. She was hungry, so she sat down and started to nibble on her
Richard walked in and stopped at the entrance to the kitchen.
"I see that you're sitting down on the job," he said.
Jennifer quickly jumped to her feet, and had to grab the table
for support. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
"That can be remedied," he said. She looked at him, but he
offered no explanation. He sat down next to her and started to eat.
"If there were guests, you would be expected to serve us and then eat
privately later. But as there are no guests, we can be informal
here." Somewhat calmed, she sat back down.
Breakfast went quickly as both of them wolfed down their food.
"As you might have guessed yesterday, your uniform is incomplete --
something of a stopgap. I apologize for this. Your first complete
uniform is now here. If we could go to your room?"
"I guess so," she said, with less than full enthusiasm. If this
was a stopgap, what is the real thing going to be like? As she
walked beside him, she suddenly lost her balance on her heels.
Almost instantly, Richard grabbed ahold of her by the arm and waist
and steadied her.
"Are you all right?" he said, releasing her.
"I'm fine," she replied. Between the slip and his touch, there
was a wash of energy going through her. She wasn't sure what to make
of it.
"Out of curiosity," she asked as they entered her room, "where
are the clothes that I wore here?"
"In storage," he replied. "I don't think that you'll be needing
them anytime soon."
She saw that there had been changes to the room. There was a
similar yet subtly different outfit laid out for her on the bed. And
on one of the walls to the room, there was now a solid block of metal
attached to it. From it emerged a long metal chain with a keyring
attached to the end of it. There were a dozen or so keys on the
"I will leave you alone to dress after I have explained it," he
said. "The stockings are essentially the same. The shoes, however,
are slightly different," he said as he picked up one of the two
shoes. It was also a black patent leather shoe with, if anything, a
higher heel than the ones that she was wearing. There were two
straps, one of which ended with a D-ring, but no buckles. "If you
would sit down?"
She sat down, and allowed him to take off her shoes. She
noticed that on the bed there were several small padlocks, as well as
a black satin object with lacing that took her a moment to recognize.
A corset?
Jennifer flushed suddenly as she realized that Richard had a
clear view of her crotch. He did not comment, and put one of the
shoes on her.
"These straps work like so," he said demonstrating them. He
wrapped them around her ankles, then around the middle of the foot.
He joined the two straps right in front of the heel underneath the
shoe. "and this ring goes through this slot," he said.
"But won't they just slip off?" she asked.
Richard reached up and took one of the small padlocks. He put
it through the ring and snapped it closed. "It won't come off until
it's unlocked," he said.
"Why?" she asked.
Richard took the other shoe and put it on her foot. "Because I
like my hired help to be in uniform, at all times while on duty," he
said. "And in the contract, it states that you are to be in uniform
at all times that you are outside of your quarters here."
She wanted to voice an objection, but couldn't seem to get it
out. As he locked the second one on her foot, she asked, "Where is
the key?"
"Right over there," he said, pointing to the keyring on the
chain. "When you are through with your duties, you can take them off
at your leisure."
"I see," was all that she could say. He picked up the corset
and another maid's outfit. This one was also constructed of shiny
black PVC with long sleeves and a very full red crinoline was sewn
into it. But the outfit continued all the way up to the neck. The
zipper was in the back, like the one she wore now, with a large loop
pull on the zipper. At the top of the outfit, in back, there was a
metal ring sewn into the fabric next to the zipper.
"You should put on the corset first," he said, "and snug it up.
Then, when you put on the maid's outfit, use one of the padlocks to
connect the zipper to the metal ring."
So I can't unzip it, she finished mentally. "Is the key also
there?" she said, pointing to the keyring.
He nodded. "I'll leave you now to change," he said, and left
her there.
She stood up, and was even more wobbly than before. "These are
even *higher*," she said aloud.
She had never worn a corset before. This one had front busks
and back lacing. It had built in support for the lower half of each
breast, and extended down well past her bellybutton.
With some struggling, she managed to get the front busks closed.
She remembered that the back laces were for tightening it. She
hoped that she didn't have to use that. Jennifer unzipped the maid's
outfit, stepped into it, and tried to zip it up.
The zipper barely moved. Jennifer saw that the only way she
could get the shiny black maid's outfit on was to lose at least three
inches of waistline.
Jennifer struggled with the pullers on the corset for a good ten
minutes. She pulled herself to what she thought was very tight, only
to have the zipper on the maid's outfit jam. Frustrated, she tried
it again.
This happened six times, and she nearly came to the point of
tears. There was a knock on the door. "How are you doing?" came
Richard's voice.
"I can't get this thing on!" she said.
"Would you like some help?" he said.
"Yes!" she said, before thinking about it. As Richard opened
the door, it was too late for her to change her mind.
"What seems to be the problem?" he asked.
"I can't get this tight enough," she said as she waved the
corset string in front of her.
"Let's see what we can do about that," he said. "Turn around
and grab ahold of one of the bedposts, please? And keep ahold of the
strings, if you would." She complied, and felt him tightening the
strings all along the top and the bottom of the corset. Then, with a
strong pull, she felt her waist constricting."
Jennifer struggled to breath against the corset, but it was only
with difficulty that she could seem to get enough air. "Let's try it
now," he said.
He pulled the black maid's outfit up on her and she put her arms
into it. It was a tight fit, but he managed to get the zipper all
the way up.
"And the lock," he said, taking a padlock and locking the zipper
in place.
Jennifer looked at herself in the mirror. She saw a woman with
flushed red cheeks, but what caught her eye was the figure. Her
breasts were much more prominent than they ever had been before,
which was accentuated by the narrow waist that she now had.
Wow, do I look sexy! she thought with surprise.
It was lunchtime, and the two of them sat down to eat. Jennifer
had prepared potato salad and sandwiches. Jennifer found herself
being full in spite of the lack of breakfast. It must be the corset,
she thought to herself.
"Mister Hane," she said.
"You can call me Richard," he said with a smile.
"Richard," she said back, also smiling. "I was wondering when I
would be able to get all of my stuff out of my apartment?" she asked.
"Tonight, if you would like," Richard said. "You should be able
to after supper tonight."
Jennifer finished up the last of the dishes. "I'd like to go
get my things," she said, as she headed towards her room.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"I was going to change..." she said, her voice trailing off.
She stopped and looked back. "Could I have my clothes back?"
Richard slowly shook his head. "It clearly states in the
contract that you are to be in uniform at all times except when you
are in your room here," he said. "I'm afraid that I cannot make an
"I'm supposed to go out like this?!" she exclaimed.
"You don't have to go out at all," he said. "That's your
choice. But the rules are the rules."
"Let me see that contract!" she exclaimed.
"Certainly," he replied. The two of them walked to his study,
and Richard took the contract papers out of his desk. "Right here,"
he said.
With horror, she saw that he was right. Additionally, she saw
in the paragraph above that the definition of uniform was essentially
whatever kinky outfit that he chose to provide to her on a given day.
What have I got myself into? Jennifer wondered.
Jennifer did not quit. Instead, she waited until nearly
midnight before leaving for her apartment. When she had asked for
her keys, Richard has calmly complied.
Trying to walk on the sidewalk at night in nearly six inch heels
was not easy. And when she got to her car, the rigid corset
prevented her from bending her waist and she nearly banged her head
on the doorway of the car trying to get in.
With the heels, she had trouble using the pedals of her stick
shift car as she pulled out of Mr. Hane's driveway.
Once she was on her way, it became easier. She saw a parked
police vehicle on the side of the road, and quickly looked at her
"Six over," she said. "Aaah! And I don't have a license on
She clutched the wheel in terror and brought her car back to the
speed limit. In her rear view mirror, she saw the police car pull
out and start to follow her.
"Please don't pull me over," she whispered. She could just
imagine what the story in the paper the next day would be like if she
was brought in looking like this.
It was twenty minutes of terror as she made her way to her
apartment. The police car followed her all the way to the parking
lot of her apartment, but did not turn on his lights.
Jennifer parked her car and waited. The police car did a circle
around the parking lot, but then exited and drove off.
Whew! There was no one else around, so she left the car with
her keys in her hand and headed for her apartment.
She was on the second floor, and she found out that climbing
stairs in the shoes was not easy. She fumbled nervously with the
keys as she tried to open her door while also keeping a lookout for
any late night travellers.
She entered and closed the door behind her. A flip of the light
switch revealed a rather bare one bedroom apartment. For living room
furniture, a single ratty recliner faced a small beat-up television.
There was a smell from the kitchen that she knew was from dirty
dishes left unwashed.
She headed to her bedroom, and went to the closet. "What to
bring, what to bring..." She saw that there were very few clean
clothes in the closet. Most of them were dirty and in the hamper or
on the floor.
She took one of the few clean blouses, a skirt and a pair of
pants. Then she walked over to her dresser and selected some
underwear and a nightgown.
Her feet were really starting to kill her. She sat down on her
unmade bed and tried to massage her feet. But with the corset on,
she couldn't quite reach her feet. With a sigh, she laid down on the
bed and rested for a minute. It felt so good to lay down and get the
weight off her feet...
Jennifer woke up to the warm feeling of sunlight on her face.
It took her a moment to understand the significance of it.
"Oh, god! What time is it?" Her bedroom clock showed that it
was five minutes to ten.
She couldn't go outside like this in daylight! Jennifer rolled
over and picked up the phone. It was very awkward to do that in the
corset. She needed to call Richard Hane and tell him that she
couldn't come in today.
The silence of a dead phone greeted her ear. She realized that
she had not sent any money to the phone company in several months.
There was no way that she could call Richard and explain what had
Panic and indecision gripped her. If she headed back now, she
would be late. He might fire her, and then she would be up a creek
without a paddle.
But if she stayed here, with no explanation, she would be fired
for sure. She'd be left with no income source and a pathetic little
With unwilling resolve, she got out of bed and took a few
seconds to readjust to walking in the locked-on stiletto heels. She
dumped out a clothesbasket full of dirty clothes and put last night's
selections and her keys into the basket. Jennifer went over to her
door and cracked it open, looking and listening for anyone in the
No one was around. With difficulty, she opened the door and
walked outside.
She had to take the stairs down very slowly. With each
tentative step, she grew more and more worried that someone might see
Finally, the first floor. Now, if there was no one in the
parking lot...
The sound of a door opening up behind her sent her heart
pounding. Her breath quickened and her chest fought against the
confines of the corset. Making a quick decision, she walked forward
and tried to ignore it.
She could not see where she was walking, and she felt one of her
shoes land on something slippery. With limbs flailing and clothes
scattering, she fell forward. She landed with her rear in the air,
exposing all to whomever was behind her.
She struggled to right herself. "Let me help you up!" came the
voice of a familiar male voice.
God no! Don't let him see me like this! She turned and looked
up into the familiar face of Eric Kaller. He was only a couple of
years older than she was, and lived on the first floor. They had
gone out on a few dates, and she kind of liked him.
There was a look of shocked recognition on his face.
"Jennifer?" he said. "What the... why...?"
She could feel a hot flush on her face. "Help me up, please?"
she asked.
He took her hands and helped to her feet. She was surprised to
find out that she was actually taller than him in these shoes.
"What are you doing dressed up like that?!" he asked, loudly.
"It's May. A little early for Halloween, isn't it?"
"It's a long story," she said, lamely. She tried to bend over
to pick up one of her nightgowns, but couldn't manage it in the
corset and heels. She nearly fell over again in the process.
"Let me help," Eric said eagerly. He bent over and quickly
threw her things into the clothes basket. She noticed that he had
missed her keys. "Could you hand me my keys?" she asked.
Eric fetched her keys with alacrity. She heard the sound of
another door opening up. "What's all the commotion out here?" came a
female voice. Jennifer turned her head, and saw yet another familiar
face. "My god!" said the older woman.
Jennifer lost her composure and panicked. As Eric was picking
up her clothes basket, she ran for the door. Incredibly, she did not
fall while doing this. She pushed the door open and headed for her
car as quickly as her spiked heel shoes would allow.
There must have been a dozen people in the parking lot that
witnessed her. As she ran, the skirt of her shiny maid's outfit
bounced up and down, revealing her crotch and buttocks to all that
cared to see.
She nearly fell over trying to stop. Her keys were still in her
hands, and she managed to shove one of them into the lock and open up
the door. She banged her head getting into the car, but shook it off
in a moment.
She saw Eric running towards her, with her basket. "Your
stuff!" he said. But she didn't wait for him. Jennifer jammed the
key into the ignition and almost ran him over on her way out of the
parking lot.
She was panting furiously as she drove out of the parking lot.
The combination of strenuous activity with the corset was almost too
much for her. For a long moment, her head started to swim, and a
part of her wondered if she was going to pass out and get into an
Fortunately, she did not. She calmed down, and in less than a
half of an hour, she was back at the Hane household.
I've never been so embarassed in my life! she thought to
herself. I can't go back there!
Chapter 2
"This is only your second full day of work, and already you have
been late twice. Do you have any explanation?" Richard asked while
he stared at her intently.
Jennifer looked at the floor. "Well, I was trying to get some
of my stuff, but I got there so late. I just wanted to rest for a
minute... and I fell asleep."
"What am I going to do with you?" he asked. "You know that this
is grounds for dismissal."
Dismissal. I would have no money, no apartment. I couldn't go
back there even if I had money. That means living with mother.
"NO! Please, don't fire me!"
"I don't think that you're taking this job very seriously," he
said. "You are being paid a premium wage for your services. At
least you should be able to do your job in a professional manner."
"I do take this job seriously! Please, don't fire me! I'll do
anything!" she said.
"There is an alternative to dismissal," he said.
"Anything," she said.
Richard thought for a long moment, composing his words. "I
could let this go with disciplinary action. You will be punished for
your tardiness."
"Punished?" she asked.
"Would you prefer to leave?" he asked. Jennifer swallowed hard,
then shook her head. "Wait here," he said.
She stood and waited as he left his den. She steadied herself
by leaning on the desk and taking some of the weight off of her
I wonder how ripe I am? I have been sweating in this outfit for
over a day now!
Within a few minutes, he returned with a large bundle of rope
and something that looked like a rubber ball with a strap going
through it. He put it all down on his desk and pulled a chair from
the edge of the room to the center of the room. "Come over here," he
Slowly, she complied. "Stand behind the chair, and bend over,"
he said. The back of the chair came nearly up to her crotch. She
was able to do it, but it was very uncomfortable in the corset to do
He took the rope and tied her hands to the front legs of the
chair. He pulled the rope tight first and bent her over even
further, and she had to gasp for breath.
Next, he tied her ankles to the back legs of the chair. She was
now stretched out and bent over like she was trying to touch her
toes. "I don't like this," she said.
"This is a punishment. You are not supposed to like it," he
said. "And you're not supposed to talk while you're being punished.
Now, open wide," he commanded.
Jennifer hesitated for a moment, then did so. He put the rubber
ball into her mouth and put the straps around the back of her head.
She felt him pull the straps tight and buckle them together.
"Mmmm! Nnng! Mmmmnm!" was all that she was able to say. She
found herself struggling for breath and very uncomfortable. She
struggled against the ropes, but could not budge them an inch. She
bit against the gag. The ball yielded slightly, but she could not
get it out.
She heard him walk behind her. Jennifer tried to crane her neck
around and see what he was doing, but the shiny black vinyl of the
still very wide skirt kept her from seeing anything. Somehow, she
could almost feel his eyes looking at her exposed butt.
"That should make a good view," he said. He went to his desk
and sat down, still behind Jennifer. She heard the shuffle of
papers, then heard him pick up the phone and dial.
How long is this going to last? she wondered.
Her stomach was grumbling with hunger and her muscles were
aching from the position. "All right," Richard said. "I think
you've learned your lesson." First, he took out the ball gag, and
Jennifer's jaw muscles were immediately grateful. Then he untied her
legs from the chair. She kicked her legs up in the air for a moment
to try to get some circulation back in her feet, even though this put
most of her weight on her crotch area.
The arms were last. Richard helped her get back to her feet.
"Oh, am I sore!" she said.
"I'm sure that you will get over it. There is leftover chinese
take out in the refrigerator for you. You can go to your room
whenever you're done. And remember, don't be late tomorrow."
"Um, Mister Hane?" she asked as she tried to stretch her legs.
"How can I get up on time when there is no alarm clock in my room?
There isn't even a window, for god's sake!"
Richard tilted his head to one side. "Hmmm... You have a point.
I will wake you up tomorrow, then."
Jennifer went to the kitchen and found the food that he had
mentioned. She looked outside and saw that the sun had already set.
"How long was I there?" she muttered to herself. From the discomfort
in her bladder, she guessed that it had been quite a long time.
After having a light supper, she relieved herself and made her way
back to her room.
It took her a minute or so to use the keys on the keychain in
her room to unlock her black vinyl maid's outfit and her shoes.
Getting out of the corset was a struggle. It took her almost ten
minutes to loosen the laces enough to get out of it. Afterwards, she
hung the outfit up in the closet before treating herself to a nice
long bath. Jennifer noticed that her other maid's outfit and shoes
had disappeared from the room.
This doesn't seem real, she thought. Here I am, the strutting
around in that outfit for a rich man's amusement, and he doesn't even
feel me up!
That thought rolled around for a while. He hasn't felt me up!
Jennifer started to feel vaguely insulted by this. He went through
all the trouble of having me look like that, and then he doesn't even
touch me?!
She dried herself off then went to the bedroom and turned on the
television. As the mindless drivel of evening sitcoms passed by, she
thought about her employer. He sure does seem to have a lot of self
control, she thought to herself. I wonder how much?
With this thought, and with the TV on, she fell asleep.
Chapter 3
She woke up to the sound of a knock on her door.
Jennifer stretched on the luxuriant king sized bed where she had
slept. As she rolled out of bed, her last night's thoughts came back
to her.
Well, if he isn't going to give me anything to sleep in, I guess
that I'll have to answer him in the nude, she thought mischeviously.
She walked to the door and opened it wide open. Richard was
standing there, already dressed for the day. "Yes?" she said.
He appeared to be startled, but only for a moment. "Just the
wake-up call," he said. "You should get dressed and start in on the
day. There is no need to make breakfast for me, however. I have
some errands to run, so I will be back later."
She nodded and smiled. He looked at her from toes to nose, and
smiled a faint smile. Then he turned away and walked out of sight.
Jennifer almost closed the door, but listened intently through
the crack. When she heard the sound of the heavy front doors
closing, she opened her door and scampered naked through the house.
"I can dress up later," she thought to herself.
Jennifer took this time to explore the house on her own and
without the discomfort of the outfit. She found two locked doors,
but the rest of the house was accessible to her. The house was a
vast sprawling one and a half story mansion with a large in-ground
pool in the back yard. If there was a basement, it was behind the
locked door. His bedroom was probably behind the other one, Jennifer
inferred. The decorations in the house seemed almost bare and
impersonal, except for his den.
That room had his large oak desk with the cozy fireplace and
myriad of bookshelves. There was a computer tucked away in a corner
cabinet that was hidden unless the cabinet doors were opened. There
were several chairs for guests here, including the one that she had
been tied to yesterday.
To her surprise, one of the desk drawers was unlocked. She was
expecting to find her contract, but that was not there. Instead,
there was a pile of financial papers that had some very large numbers
on them.
She sat down on his chair and studied them. Math and accounting
were not her strong points, but when she found the bottom lines, they
were easy to interpret.
"God! It looks like he's worth over fifty million. Easy!" she
said aloud. And there were references to other funds and holdings
owned by Richard. As she dug deeper into the drawer, she found a
folded note in the back recess.
From: Lexington Personal Services.
To: Richard Hane
Although our resources are large, we regret to inform you that
we cannot find any candidates that meet your requirements in a
spouse. If your requirements change in any way, feel free to contact
us with your new requirements.
As always, your confidentiality is assured.
Personal services? He's placing *personal* ads to try to find a
wife? This baffled her. Why would a good looking *loaded* man need
to be using personal ads? Then a thought occurred to her. He's
loaded. He's single. He's looking for a wife.
And I'm here.
The thought of being covered with jewels and fur coats appealed
to her. Talk about never going back to mother! And even if it
didn't work out in the long run, she knew from TV that divorcing a
rich man was oalmost always a profitable experience.
She heard the sound of a car coming up the driveway.
"Oh, shit!" she said as she jammed the papers back into the
drawer and closed it. She raced back to her room and pulled on the
I'll only have a chance to do that if I don't get fired!
The black stiletto heels were put on next, then locked on. Then
the corset busk. Then the corset lacing...
I wasn't able to get the corset on before without him, she
thought. Damn, damn, damn...
Wait a minute... If he left right away, how was I supposed to
get it on myself?
She tugged the corset puller strings and tried to close the gap.
Experimentally, she tied the strings and tried to put on the maid's
outfit. It wouldn't go.
Putting on her best little girl face, she walked out of her room
that way. The black vinyl maid's outfit was on but unzipped, and the
corset was only partially tightened.
"My apologies," he said as he pulled the black satin corset
tight. She felt the constriction of her waist again, and it took her
a second for her breathing to adjust. "I was negligent. Even so,
you should not have left your quarters without being fully dressed."
He tied the corset strings together.
"I'm sorry," she said, with eyes downcast, and breath rapid.
He zipped the shiny maid's outfit up to her neck, then locked it
in place. "No harm done today. I want the house in top shape today.
I'm going to have a few guests over tonight."
"Guests?" she asked as she turned around to face him. The
thought of anyone else seeing her this way brought a red flush to her
face. The encounters at her apartment still had her shaken. "Are
they going to see me like this?" she asked.
"A bit self-conscious, are we?" he asked. She blushed and
looked down at the floor. "You have nothing to be self-conscious
about, you know. You have a very appealing body, especially when you
are dressed up. But to answer your question, no. They are not going
to see you like that. And you won't have to prepare any food for
them, as I am having dinner catered."
She let out a small sigh of relief. It would have been a large
sigh if she would not have been wearing the corset.
The morning ended shortly afterwards and turned into afternoon.
Jennifer tried to made it a point to be cleaning whatever room he was
in. When she walked in front of him, she tried to give an extra
wiggle to her butt as she went by. She used every excuse that she
could to bend over and show him her bottom. She even managed to
accidentally bump into him once.
At sundown, he told her that it was clean enough. She watched
him carefully for signs that her displays were having an effect. But
there was no hint that he was aroused by it. Jennifer ground her
teeth at this.
If that was too subtle for him, how blatant do I have to get?
"I thought that I was going to have off when your guests were
here," Jennifer said.
"That is not what I said. I said that 'they are not going to
see you like that'. However, they will see you like something else.
You won't even be showing any skin, so to speak. But if you need
convincing, it explicitly states in the contract that your duties can
be required when I entertain guests."
Jennifer did not even bother to ask to see the contract.
Somehow, she knew that it was in there. If I only would have had the
patience to read it, she thought. Instead, I just looked at the
number after the dollar sign.
Her wage was peanuts compared to what she guessed he was worth.
"If you would care to disrobe, I will get your evening attire,"
he said as he left the room. "I assume from this morning that you
don't mind being naked in front of me."
She felt a slight flush from this. At least he noticed that I
was naked, she thought.
Jennifer unlocked and took off her maid's outfit. Without
removing her corset, it was very difficult for her to remove her
shoes. When he returned, he found her struggling with the back
lacings of the corset.
"Still struggling with that? We'll have to see if we can do
something about that," he said as he dropped a box on the bed.
With his help, she was able to get out of the corset in less
than a minute. The shoes came off last. She wriggled her toes and
stretched out her feet.
"So, what do you have now?" she asked. She turned to face him
and did a little wriggle of her body and jiggle of her breasts.
Richard seemed not to notice. "It's fairly simple, actually.
But you probably will want to take a bathroom break, first, before
you dress." She complied, trying to wiggle her butt as she walked to
the bathroom.
"First, I think, should be the pantyhose," he said. She made a
production out of sliding them up her legs slowly. I need to shave
my legs, she noted mentally. "Next, the shoes."
Jennifer saw that these shoes were almost identical to her other
pair except that these were made out of a shiny red patent material.
They had the locking straps just like the others. She was not eager
to wear them but she put her feet out for him. He put them on her
and locked them in place.
"As you might have guessed, a corset next," he said, pulling out
a red satin corset with back lacing and breast support. She fastened
it together herself, and then he started to tighten it. She noticed
right away that it was tighter, and it took him a much longer time
than before to lace the corset up. She had her hands against the
bedpost while he did that. By the time that he was done, she was
"God, that is tight!" she said.
"That is the point," he said. "This is a formal affair, so
gloves as well. He handed her a pair of elbow length red gloves.
She was surprised to feel the distinctive touch of thick rubber.
"Rubber gloves? That's for doing dishes!" she said. Richard
looked at her without saying anything. "All right," she said, as she
started to put them on.
It took her longer than she expected. They were tight fitting,
and she ended up having to invert the gloves and roll them on.
"And lastly, the dress," he said, pulling out a large red mass
of rubber out of the box.
"What the..." she said as he lowered it to the floor for her to
step into. She hesitated before doing this.
Richard pulled the dress up her body. It covered her from ankle
to neck with heavy gauge rubber, and it had long sleeves that came
down to her wrists. There was a single zipper in back that went from
just below her butt cheeks to the very top of the neck. As he zipped
it up, she felt it grip her whole body tightly, including her
corsetted waist. When it was fully zipped, he padlocked the zipper
to a metal ring at the top of the neck.
The lower portion of the dress was very tight fitting. She took
a couple of experimental steps forward. The maximum separation of
her feet was less than a foot, and her knees half that. Between the
hobble dress and the stiletto heeled shoes, she had to grab ahold of
Richard for support. "God," she said as she looked at her silhouette
in the mirror. "I look like a red rubber Morticia Adams." Except
she had a better figure, with that tiny waist and big bosom. As she
breathed, she could see her breasts rise and fall against the tight
rubber. The only part of her skin that was exposed was her face.
"That's the idea," he said. "I'll help you out to the living
room where we are going to be tonight."
Progress was very slow for her, with the necessity of taking
tiny steps and balancink in the heels from hell. She leaned against
him on the way, and deliberately fumbled around his body. She
managed to get her hand to his crotch in what appeared to be an
accident. It was fairly hard, by her estimation. Hmmm... she
thought to herself.
"If you don't mind my asking," she said, "why did you dress me
up this way?"
"Why is such a hard question to answer," he said, carefully
guiding her through a doorway.
She felt herself becoming hot under the rubber. This is going
to be a long night, she thought to herself. "Could you try to
"In just a moment," he said. They had emerged in the main
living room. He guided her over to a couch and sat her down there.
She could feel the rubber pulling at her knees and butt as she sat
down. "Because I'm a rich man, and I want to dress you that way."
"But why do you want to?" she asked.
There was the loud sound of a doorbell. "That must be our first
guests," he said. "You'll need to get up. Your duty is to greet
them at the door, take their coats, and hang them up in the coat
room," he said, pointing to an alcove that was at least thirty feet
away from the doorway. "Invite them to sit down."
"In this?" she asked. "How?"
"You'll find a way, I'm sure," he said. "I need to change. I
will be back."
"But, but..." she said as he left the room. Taking as deep of a
breath as she could manage, she tried to get to her feet.
The tension in the dress at her knees and rear worked in her
favor. She was able to get up, and stabilize herself in the heels.
Slowly and carefully, without support from Richard, she worked her
way towards the door.
The doorbell rang again before she was able to reach it. With
an effort, she opened up the door. She had to hold onto the handle
as she backpedaled, or she would have fallen on her rear.
There were three men there in their forties. All were dressed
in suits and ties. They seemed surprised to see her. "Greetings to
Mr Hane's household," she improvised.
They looked at each other, then looked at her intently. She
felt very uncomfortable standing there as they looked at her in her
tight rubber outfit. "Please, come in."
"Excuse us," said the one of them with the least hair. The
three of them entered the house.
"Can I take your coats?" she asked.
There was a momentary delay, before the same man said
"Certainly." They took off their coats and handed them to him. She
started the long trek across the floor. Thank god this is hardwood
and not shag carpeting, she thought as she concentrated on balancing
in the shoes and taking one baby step at a time.
She thought that she heard whispering from behind her. She
couldn't turn her head enough to look behind her, so she continued
forward. After what felt like an eternity, she made it to the
coatroom and hung up the men's jackets.
When she turned around, she saw that all three of them had not
moved and were looking at her. The all too common sensation of a hot
face came over her.
"Please, sit down," she said.
Two of them did, but the one that had spoken up originally
walked over to her. "Sorry for the rudeness," he said. "My name is
Henry. My associates are John in the blue shirt and Adam in the
white. And you are?"
"Oh, I'm just the hired help," she said.
Henry was about to continue, but the doorbell rang again. Henry
left her and took a seat next to the other three.
When she finally made it to the doors again, she met two men at
the door. One of which was in his sixties, the other his thirties.
The younger man's eyes widened upon seeing her. The older man just
"Please, come in," she said.
She took their coats and invited them to stay. The older man
introduced himself as Ben, the younger as Collin.
She made a second trip to the coat room. She wiped beads of
sweat off of her forehead with one rubber gloved hand. When she
turned around, she saw Richard as he entered the room.
"So, you're doing it properly, at last!" Henry said to Richard
as he entered.
"You just had to give me a little time," he replied.
Henry turned to Collin. "You're still looking, as I remember."
"Don't remind me of that," Collin replied.
"Gentlemen," he said as Jennifer slowly wriggled towards them.
"This is Jennifer. She's a new employee of mine."
There was a chaotic wave of greetings from the seated men.
"Nice to meet you all," she said.
"You can return to your room now," he said.
She was a little surprised by this. Richard had obviously went
out of his way to display her to these men. Now why isn't he keeping
me here on display?
She smelled the odor of food coming from the kitchen, and the
sounds of activity. It must be the caterers, she thought. I don't
really want them to see me like this, she thought. Then again, I am
The quickest way back to her room was through the kitchen. But
she chose to use a longer route through a side hall.
When she neared her room, the sounds from the kitchen were gone.
Hunger got the better of her. Slowly, she inched her way into the
kitchen, staying near a wall whenever possible.
There was a feast fit for a king prepared there. As she
prepared a plate of food to take back to her room, she could make out
a few words of the men conversing in the livingroom.
"... I didn't think you could do it, Richard,..." " can
be easy on her this time... because it's her first...but then..."
" know, it's really to early to tell. You could have to do it
yourself next time..." There was the sound of laughter. "Like last
month!" "Oh, fridays are worth looking forward to." "I'm getting
hungry. Where is the food?"
This brought Jennifer out of her listening trance. She made for
the door as fast as her shiny rubber hobble dress and stiletto heels
would allow.
She just made it around the corner of the doorway when the
sounds of voices filled the kitchen. "Serve yourself!" she heard
Richard saying.
No one said anything about seeing her as she wormed towards her
room with a plateful of food. She managed not to tip it over before
she made it in her room.
Jennifer put the plate of food down and baby stepped over to the
keyring. She unlocked the zipper, unzipped it, and let her hot
sweaty body experience a blast of fresh air.
This corset was even harder to get out of. It must have taken
her almost twenty minutes of panting and tugging at the cords to
loosen it enough to get out of. Finally, the shoes and the
pantyhose. She drew a hot bath for herself, and took her plate with
her to the bathroom. She dined while she relaxed in the swirling hot
water. "I wonder what they were talking about," she said.
Out of habit, she hung up the dress and put away the other
articles. Her bedroom was still nearly bare of clothing. The maid's
outfit was still here. She was half expecting that to disappear as
Chapter 4
There was a knock on the door. Jennifer opened her eyes and
looked around. Yesterday was friday. Today is saturday. No one
should be waking me up, she thought fuzzily.
She made her way to the door and opened it. Richard was there,
ready for the morning.
"It's saturday," she said.
"What does that have to do with anything?" he said.
She was about to object, but then she remembered him saying '24
hours a day, seven days a week.' Damn.
They went through the morning routine, except that he brought in
a different corset with garters attached. These were used to hold up
a pair of fishnet stockings. Next was locking on the five an a half
inch stiletto heels. He pulled the corset even tighter than before,
in her opinion. And last was the shiny black patent maid's outfit.
"Am I going to be wearing this every day?" she asked.
"A good number of them," he said. "But there will be variety,
of that you can be sure." Somehow, this thought was not comforting
to Jennifer.
She started breakfast, and thought about her attempts to arouse
Richard. Well, if that wasn't good enough, there's something that I
know will! she resolved.
She made up a pair of omlets. He sat down to eat one of them.
"Aren't you going to eat?" he asked as she remained standing there.
"I will," she said. "I'm just in the mood for something else."
She went to the edge of the table and carefully lowered herself to
the floor. Then, on hands and knees, she made her way over to
Richard's legs.
"Jennifer, what are you doing?" he asked.
Her hands slid up to his crotch. She felt a half-hard cock
within. Without waiting, she unzipped his pants with one hand and
dug for his cock with the other.
A few seconds later, an erect penis emerged from his pants.
"Jennifer, please..." he said. But he did not continue after she
pulled herself forward and put the head of his cock inside of her
moist mouth.
"Jennifer..." She started to slowly bring his erect penis
within her mouth. It was not a porn star's penis, but definitely
respectable in size compared to her previous boyfriend's.
"please...don...uuungh." She felt his cock throbbing to a new level
of erectness as her tongue played with tip of his penis.
She tried to tease him slowly, but soon she could feel him
twitching his legs and feet. She slowed down even further, merely
sucking softly on the head of his penis, but was soon surprised to
feel his cum entering her mouth.
She swallowed although she didn't particularly enjoy it. She
had done it for her last serious boyfriend only because he had asked
her to. But today was special, so she kept swallowing, and continued
to suck the thick cum right out of his penis.
If he doesn't notice me now, I don't know it will take! she
thought to herself.
She felt his penis slowly softening as she continued to suck.
With a smile of satisfaction on her face, she backed up and pulled
herself back to her feet.
Richard was looking at her with what was clearly lust... the
look had an intensity that made the smile slowly fade from her face.
She felt a dampness growing in her crotch as his eyes bored into her.
Her breathing became rapid and she started to strain against the
He stood up and strode over to her. Without saying a word, he
picked her up and sat her down on the center of the table. She saw
that his cock had returned to rock hardness only a minute after he
had cum. With her fishnet stockinged legs and stiletto heeled feet
in the air, and with her skirt in disarray, Richard pounced on her.
He held her hands to the table with his own as he thrust his penis
into her.
She didn't scream or cry out for help. She moaned as his
manhood thrust inside of her and pushed deep into her pussy. It has
been a long time since I've had good sex, she thought to herself.
As he kept thrusting, he kissed her savagely and thrust his
tongue deeply inside of her mouth. After a moment of startlement,
she kissed him back, and their tongues played a manic, erotic game of
She heard the breakfast plates being swept onto the floor by
their activity and shattering upon impact. Jennifer did not care.
As her body rushed towards orgasm under his relentless thrusting and
probing, she tried to arch her back. The corset would not yield, and
as she came closer and closer, her head started to swim. I take that
back, she thought deleriously as her body went on autopilot and her
legs writhed and tried to bring him closer inside of her. I've never
had good sex before this.
A thundering orgasm coursed through her. She could feel the
muscles in her pussy clenching reflexively. For the longest time,
her head swam in an ecstasy that bordered on overload.
When she finally came down, he was still thrusting madly. Oh
god, she thought to herself.. He already came once, so this one
could take a while. "Sto...
Just as she said that, another orgasm coursed through her
system. She struggled and tried to get away, but he had her arms
pinned to the table. "Please..." she begged as the orgasm slowly
ebbed and she gasped in exertion against the corset. "Please..."
She heard him grunting in pleasure as her third orgasm hit.
There was a smile on his face and she felt him ejaculating into her.
When the orgasm hit its peak within her, she struggled one last time
before the exertion and the constriction of the corset sent her into
When she woke up, she found herself spread eagled to a bed. The
room was lit up, but she did not recognize it. This must be his
bedroom, she thought.
She tried to call out to him, but only a mumbled reply made its
way out of the gag that she wore. It felt like leather, and there
was something long and phallic that extended inside. There must have
been some sort of hole in it, because she was able to breath through
She saw Richard's silhouette appear over her. She turned to
look at him, still not fully recovered from the ordeal in the
He was naked from the waist up. She could see the muscles in
his chest and arms and the dark hair on his chest. His eyes bored
into her with that same intense look. She felt a wave of lust go
through her at the sight of him.
Below the waist, he was wearing what appeared to be tight rubber
trousers. His penis was erect and in front of him. To her surprise,
his cock was covered in the same black rubber, and that latex sheath
was actually built into the pants.
She writhed in fear and anticipation as he climbed onto the bed.
His hands roamed over her legs, and she felt a shiver go through her
as he touched her pussy with his fingertips. She felt herself
becoming wet almost immediately.
Instead of mounting her, he brought his face down to her crotch.
She moaned as he started to nibble on the outer lips of her pussy,
and teased them with his teeth. His hands roamed around her outer
thighs, and caressed her hips.
His lips left her crotch, and she moaned in desperation. He
leaned over her, and his hands touched the vinyl of her outfit.
First, they were around her narrow waist, then they slowly moved up
to her breasts. He felt her rock hard nipples through the shiny
fabric. Richard teased her nipples and fondled her breasts through
it. She put her head forward, desperately trying to touch him with
it, to kiss him in spite of the gag, but his face returned to her
crotch, with only one more long tickling of each nipple.
Richard started in earnest now. His tongue first worked near
the top of her pussy, and only slowly worked its way down. She
writhed against her bonds, but she could only move her arms and legs
a few inches. She felt his tongue probe deeper now... then he
brought his lips in to gently suck.
His tongue was driving her mad. She thrashed about and moaned.
Her breath was labored against the corset, and as she approached
orgasm, that light headed feeling returned to her.
He touched her clit with his tongue. Finally! she thought. At
first gingerly, then he thrust it in more deeply and played with it.
He licked back and forth, faster and faster.
"MMMMM...MMMMMM!" she exclaimed. Again, an orgasm rocked
through her. She struggled to stay conscious and gasped for air
through the gag.
Mercifully, his tongue stopped its exploration. As she
recovered, she saw his face hovering over hers. Slowly, ever so
slowly, his hard rubber sheathed cock slid into her pussy.
His penis worked like a piston inside of her. Slow and
methodical at first. She felt her juices dripping between her butt
cheeks. She tried to wiggle her feet and toes, but they were still
locked within the black stiletto heels.
Faster and faster now. She felt herself again reaching that
level of excitement that was so pleasurable. She tried to gasp for
air, but the feeling of light headedness reached up for her.
Another wave of pleasure swept through her and she felt her hold
on consciousness slip away.
The world returned to her, but ever so slowly. There was a
feeling of dreaminess to it all.
Again, she found herself tied up. This time she recognized that
she was in Richard's den. She was bent over and tied to the chair in
the middle of the room, just like before. The same ball gag was in
her mouth now.
She heard something from behind her and tried to look. But the
wide black vinyl skirt blocked her view.
Jennifer felt a man step behind her. As she felt a rubber cock
rub up against her butt cheek, she guessed that it was Richard.
He took her from behind, thrusting his rubberized penis into her
pussy. She should have cried out, but in the dreamy state that she
was in, she felt like she was only an observer.
He was fast and efficient. This time, he brought her to the
brink of orgasm. She heard a grunt of pleasure from him, and then he
stopped. She moaned in frustration, but he did not seem to care.
Now, apparently calm, she heard him pick up the phone and make a
call. It was a bunch of numbers and financial terms that would have
lost her even if she had been clear headed. After the longest time,
he hung up and returned to her.
Five more times he used her that night. Each time she found
herself orgasming at least once, sometimes twice. And that fifth
time, he kept going and going and going...
Until consciousness fled her, one more time.
Chapter 5
When Jennifer awoke to the sound of knocking, there were two
feelings that fought within her. First, the lingering memories of
the last night were still trickling through her. But also, her
stomach grumbled and complained.
I haven't eaten in a day! she thought to herself. Slowly, she
rolled out of bed and walked to the door.
Richard was standing there, again with a box in his hands.
"Come in," she said, with a smile.
His face was nearly expressionless. "It is a new day," he said
as he walked in.
"It is, isn't it?" she said. Deep down, she was proud of the
fact that she had broken through his mask and found the sexual animal
underneath. Oh, and what a beast it was! She felt like she had won
a major victory.
She ignored her grumbling stomach and stepped up beside him.
She looked up at him, with yearning eyes and lips quivering and
aching for a kiss.
"I'm sure that you're hungry," he said. "You should really get
cleaned up and dressed so that you can make yourself breakfast."
She was a bit disappointed in his cool demeanor. But he had a
point about breakfast. She went to her bathroom and relieved
herself. She was still fragrant from the last night, so she took a
quick shower and combed her hair quickly before coming out.
Richard was still waiting for her, patiently. She was half
hoping that he would ask her to go about her chores in the nude
today. Wouldn't that be fun! she thought. Another part of her
guessed that if he brought in another box today, he was probably
bringing in something for her to wear. Too bad.
He had laid out her black vinyl maid's outfit yet again. She
actually wished that he would give her a different outfit, or at
least change it.
He was silent and expressionless even when she strutted about in
front of him nude. With a bit of disappointment on her face, she put
on the fishnet stockings, then let him lock the stiletto heels on her
The corset took five minutes of pulling on his part, then he was
done. As she fastened the stockings to the garters attached to the
corset, he pulled out a piece of shiny leather with bits of
glittering steel in it.
"What is that?" she asked. It looked something like an
industrial strength bikini bottom or G-string in her opinion. It was
made out of thick shiny leather, and it had what looked like locks in
at least two places that she could see.
Richard took out a key from his pocket and unlocked it. This
opened up the belt as well as the cross piece that would cover her
crotch. "I'll explain in a moment," he said as he fastened it around
the narrowest part of her corsetted waist, placing the lock in front.
The other strap of the belt dangled down behind her
The belt was snug around her waist when he locked it together.
He reached up between her legs and she spread them, hoping that he
would feel her up down there. But she was disappointed when he
grabbed ahold of the strap that pulled it between her legs and up.
"Aaah!" she exclaimed as he took the metal end of the strap and
pushed it into the same lock in front. The strap pulled up tightly
all the way between her butt cheeks and pussy. It was distinctly
wider in the front than in the back, and completely covered her
vagina. There was a small and metallic part of it resting against
her body between her pussy and her anus. A 'click' sound could be
heard as it locked into place. "That's tight!" she exclaimed.
She felt the thing around her with her hands and looked at it
with the mirror. A dim recollection started to churn within her, and
this was confirmed by Richard. "This... is a chastity belt."
Chastity belt? Wasn't that... supposed to *prevent* sex? She
thought back to last night, and the intense, mind-blowing sex that
they had together.
She was flustered and a little insulted by this. What kind of a
man is he? But before she could think of something to say, he was
gesturing for her to put on her vinyl maid's outfit. She slid it on
and let him zip it up and lock it into place.
"Get down to the kitchen and get breakfast started for us, would
you?" he asked.
She looked at him imploringly. "But... but what if I have to go
to the bathroom?" she asked lamely.
"For now, you have to hold it," he said. "But that will be
remedied shortly."
Flustered and confused, she walked to the kitchen. Balancing in
these shoes was getting a little easier, but it still required
concentration. Jennifer still stayed close to the walls, just in
She was still very hungry, and in no mood be patient with her
food. She poured herself a bowl of cereal, added milk, and sat down
to eat. When that was done she poured herself a second. But she
could barely get a spoonful of the second bowl down. Must be the
corset, she decided.
"Come back to your room, please!" bellowed Richard's voice
through the house.
Jennifer slowly walked back to her room. The euphoria from the
last night of sex was dispelled. What did I do wrong? she wondered.
I thought that all guys wanted sex, the more the better!
She entered her room, and saw a shadow from the bathroom.
Slowly, she walked into it.
Richard pointed towards the cabinet beside the toilet. Jennifer
noticed a change. Next to the roll of toilet paper there was now a
long metal chain attached to the cabinet. At the end of it was a
small forked piece of metal.
"This is the answer to your question," he said. He picked up
the forked piece of metal and put it in her hands. "At the bottom of
your belt, you probably feel a small metal lock. There should be a
slot in it for this."
Jessica took the piece and fumbled with it between her legs.
After a little while, she managed to find the slot and push the metal
fork into it.
There was a 'click', and the pressure around her crotch was
suddenly released. She felt that the strap between her legs was now
divided... and the front one was now attached to the chain via the
metal fork and the lock.
"You can do your business here whenever you want to," he said,
"but the only way to disconnect yourself from the cabinet is to
reconnect the two parts of your belt. Then it pops out
She pulled the two parts together underneath her, and managed to
join them together. The fork popped back out of the lock, leaving
her free to leave, but with chastity belt intact. She thought that
she saw a look of pride on his face.
You even thought of this, she thought glumly.
The sunday went by very slowly for Jessica. She did not
continue her games of peek-a-boo with Richard. What was the point?
I have a night of sex with him, and he locks me in a chastity belt.
He can't even see my pussy now for god's sake!
Finally, the day was over with and he dismissed her. She found
an immediate problem. After she took off the maid's outfit, she
found that the chastity belt prevented her from removing her corset.
She tried all of the keys on the keyring in her room, but none of
them opened up her belt. With a sigh, she locked the maid's outfit
back on and went to find Richard.
He was in his den, on the phone of course. She waited patiently
at the doorway for him to finish. "Yes, Jessica?" he said.
"Sir?" she started formally. "How can I take my corset off with
this belt locked on?" she asked.
"The answer is that you don't," he said flatly.
" will I get to sleep?" she asked.
"How did you fall asleep in your apartment, with the corset on?"
he asked.
She had no answer for that. She left with a downturned gaze and
slowly went back to her room.
By kneeling down, she managed to unlock her shoes. With her
chastity belt and corset still on, she laid down on the bed and tried
to get to sleep.
The next three days went by at a snails pace. Richard let her
out of her chastity belt and corset twice in order to bathe, but the
rest of the time she was constantly wearing them.
She could not get saturday night out of her mind. Even now,
when she thought back to it, a smile crept onto her face and she
sometimes started to feel herself getting wet.
Until that wetness reminded her of the chastity belt.
You don't miss something until it is taken away, she decided.
For most of the time that she had been living alone in her apartment,
she had been free to seek out sex. It was never a great priority to
her then.
But, wearing the chastity belt nearly 24 hours a day was a
constant reminder that she couldn't have sex.
And something saying that she couldn't have sex made her want
sex even more.
Richard, too, also served as a reminder. He reminded her of
that saturday night, and the intensity with which he had made love to
her. Raped her? Somehow, she couldn't think of it as rape. It was
something in between the two, and it made her hot remembering it.
Finally, wednesday night, after supper was done, she could stand
it no more. After she finished the dishes, she marched down to his
den in her heels and black vinyl maid's outfit, with her skirt
floucning with each step.
"Richard," she said bluntly.
He was busy sribbling down figures and punching numbers into a
calculator. "Yes, Jessica?" he responded.
"Why did you put this chastity belt on me?"
"Because I wanted to curb any inappropriate behavior between
us," he said, without looking up.
"Inappropriate? What is that supposed to mean? You certainly
seemed to enjoy it. And if I objected, wouldn't you think that I
would have left?" she said.
Richard put down his pencil and looked at her. "Miss Brooks, we
met for the first time less than a week ago. And besides, I am the
employer and you are the employee. That is what I mean by
"Then why were you so eager to continue once I started it?!" she
asked. "I seem to remember that the first move was mine, but the
next eight or nine were yours!"
"I don't wish to discuss that," he said flatly.
"Damn it! Don't you get it? I get hot just when I look at you
and remember what happened on saturday. And then there is this damn
belt reminding me every day that I can't have that! I don't care if
I work for you or not. Damnit, I'm horny!" she said. And indeed,
she knew that at right that minute, she was starting to get damp
again. And the stress of yelling at him was making itself felt as
she panted against the corset again.
"I'm sorry. Saturday was a mistake on my part." he said.
Jennifer walked over to the desk. By now, she was moving much
more easily in the heels than when she had first worn them. She took
one hand and felt his crotch. She found a moderately hard cock
beneath his trousers. "Maybe I should play with this again and see
what happens?"
He slowly but firmly took ahold of her hand and pulled it away.
"That would not be a good idea right now. But perhaps I can find a
way to... alleviate your condition, so to speak."
"Please," she said, with her eyes begging.
"We'll take this up again tomorrow," he promised.
Again, morning arrived with a knock on her door. Thusrday, she
thought as she returned to consciousness.
This was the fourth night in a row that she had been forced to
sleep in the corset and chastity belt. Last night, after talking to
Richard, she had gone into the bathroom and unlocked the belt with
the metal fork. After finishing her business there, she couldn't
help but think about him and last saturday night. She masturbated
twice last night before she finally locked the belt in place and went
back to bed.
She opened the door, and saw Richard there. He was again
already dressed. A smile formed on his face as he saw a familiar key
ring in his hands and a paper wrapped package under his arm.
I bet he's going to unlock the belt, she thought eagerly. Just
the thought started to get her hot.
Doubt gripped her as he first directed her to put on the
fishnets and locked on the spiked heels. But then he bent down and
unlocked the front lock on her chastity belt, releasing her from the
The smile returned to his face. As one of richard's hands was
unwrapping the package he had brought in, the other was gently
running its fingers through her pubic hair. She moaned and shivered
as his middle finger started to move deeper.
She barely noticed as he finished unwrapping the package. It
looked like the other chastity belt... almost. "Huh?" she said as
he locked the new belt around her waist, leaving the cross piece
dangling behind.
"Lie down on the bed with your legs spread, would you?" he said.
Eagerly, she obeyed. He pulled the crosstrap down between her legs
and continued to massage her pussy.
As her juices flowed, he used his free hand to pull the strap
tightly up between her butt cheeks. There was a small metal piece
between her anus and pussy, as before.
He stopped playing with her and pulled the strap up. Jennifer
looked down, and saw that this belt had something on the inside. It
looked like there was a short, thick dildo build into the inside of
it. Just above that, there was a rectangle of built up material that
was covered with small, soft rubber nubs.
Jennifer was about to object, but then he guided the dildo into
her with one hand while pulling the strap up with the other. She let
out a moan as it slid up into her. She felt the phallus lodged
against her, and the nubs above the dildo were pressed up tightly
within her, reaching for but not quite touching her clit.
With a familiar 'snap', the new belt was in place. She moaned
and ground her hips for a long time. She put her hands down at her
crotch and tried to reach her clitoris. The belt was too tight
against her body for her to do that. She tried to move the phallus
and nibs around inside of her, but the belt was too tight for her to
do that effectively.
She looked up at him, with a wild, frustrated look. He said
nothing, and only held up the vinyl maid's outfit. She rolled out of
bed and let him lock her into it.
"Why did you do *this*? she asked.
Richard walked out of the room. "You said that you were horny.
I said that I would do *something* about it. I did not say what."
Flustered, she followed him out. Each step made the plallus and
nubs in the belt shift around ever so slightly. By the time she
reached the kitchen, she was panting in frustration.
Oh, you bastard! she thought as he sat down, waiting for her to
prepare breakfast.
Chapter 6
Thursday was an agony of pleasure, if such a thing exists. If
she stood still for a few minites, the sensations in her crotch would
subside. But sitting down was uncomfortable now, with the plugs in
her. All that pressure down there quickly made her stand up.
But the chores that Richard had her do did not lend themselves
to standing in place. As she walked, the dildo inside of her and the
rubber fingers wormed around and moved about. On more than one
occasion, she had to stop and lean aganst the wall as she lost
concentration in her heels. And yesteday she had almost been used to
walking in the things!
After lunch, she found herself alone. The genital teasing was
getting to be too much for her. She found a chair of about the right
height and stepped next to it. She relaxed her knees slightly, and
drove her crotch down onto the front and bottom of the chastity belt,
grinding back and forth.
She was so close, so close... then she heard footsteps. With a
groan of frustration, she stepped back and smoothed out the skirt of
her vinyl maid's outfit.
"I thought I heard something here... is there anything wrong?"
Anything wrong!? You son of a ...! "No, not that I know of,"
she said, with her face starting to turn red.
Richard looked at her for a long moment, then shrugged. "I'll
be back shortly, he said."
Groaning in frustration, she returned to washing the dishes.
Supper was finally over, and she rushed back to her room. She
went to the bathroom and put down the toilet seat. Sitting down, she
jammed the metal fork into the bottom of the chastity belt. The two
halves separated, and she immediately brought her hands down to her
groin, massaging the hot, moist tissue there.
It took her less than one minute to climax. She panted against
the tightness of the corset afterwards and slumped on the toilet
After recovering, she slowly went about the business of her
other bodily functions. "Dammit!" she said aloud. "I'm gonna go
A plan born of desperation sprang to mind. Maybe if I give him
head again, he'll get horny again and unlock this damn thing! One
small corner of her mind reminded her that giving him oral sex was
what had put her in the contraption to begin with. But she was not
thinking clearly at that moment, and ignored this.
With a sigh, she pulled the two haves of the chastity belt back
together underneath her. She felt the plug worming its way inside of
her again, and she started to get hot again.
She stood up, a bit unsteadily, and marched out of her room,
heading for his den.
By the time she arrived, all the motion in her crotch had made
her horny as hell. As she guessed, he was in his den, reading. He
only grunted when she entered, and did not look up.
Jessica did not say a word. She walked over to him. The front
of his desk was open, so that she could see his legs. She knelt down
in front of the desk and crawled under it. She heard him say
something as she unzipped his fly and yanked out his penis.
It was completely soft, but she immediately brought all of it
into her mouth and started to suck. She felt him sliding back on his
wheeled chair, and she crawled forward to keep her face in his groin.
Just as it was starting to get hard, she felt him stand up, kick
his chair back, and grab ahold of her arms. She felt his strong
hands through the thin vinyl fabric of the outfit. Jessica let out a
pathetic moan as she felt herself being pulled off of him. She
sucked hard, trying to stay attached to his penis, to no avail.
She looked into his eyes with desperation in her face.
"Please..." she said.
Richard shook his head. "Tsk, tsk. Young lady, when will you
Jessica only moaned in frustration as he turned her around and
marched him through the house, holding her arms behind her back.
What kind of a man turns down a blow job? she wondered.
They arrived at a door that she had never seen unlocked. He
took a keyring out of his pocked and unlocked it.
He guided her inside and turned the light on. Almost
immediately, she knew that this must be his bedroom. Maybe he is
going to unlock me after all, she hoped.
There was a large king sized bed with satin sheets and
pillowcases. It had four huge bedposts, and connected to each of
them was a chain ending in a wrist or leg cuff. There were two huge
dressers, a large wall mirror, and three other doors that she guessed
led to either bathrooms or closets.
On the opposite side of the room from the bed were several
wooden racks with eyebolts, straps, and other points of attachments
for a victim. She did not get much of a chance to study it as he
walked her over to the foot of the bed.
There, she could see that a pair of fur lined wrist cuffs were
suspended from the ceiling by a chain. She only moaned as he took
wrists one at a time and locked them into place above her head.
Her arms were almost completely outstretched above her. She
could relax her shoulders, but not much else. As for moving, she
could walk about two feet in any direciton, and twirl around, but
that was about it.
As she stood there, Richard dug in a dresser drawer and pulled
out a gag. This one was made out of leather with a wide but short
rubber phallus built into it. As he brought it up to her face, she
resigned herself to her fate and let him put it in her.
This one also had a breathing hole, she noticed as he fastened
it in place. Which was good, because her nose was starting to become
Richard left her there teetering on her locked-on heels and went
to one of his dressers. He brought out what looked to be an
electrical device of some sort. It had several knobs on front, and
two electrical cords protruding.
What the hell is that? she wanted to say, but the gag only let
mumbles come out. Richard walked to the foot of the bed and leaned
over to fish an extension cord out from underneath it.
She could only watch and wonder as he plugged the device into
the extension cord. A couple of lights went on as he plugged it in.
She could also see some sort of glowing numeric LED display. She saw
him play with the knobs until he stopped with a look of satisfaction
on his face. He put the device down and slid it a few feet under the
Richard then took the other cord and brought it up to her
chastity belt. There must have been some sort of receptacle there
that she had failed to notice, because the phallus inside of her
suddenly started to vibrate intensely.
"Mmmngh!" she said through the gag. She had heard of vibrators,
but never had the courage to get one for herself. As she writhed
there, he returned to his dresser and came back with another set of
She barely noticed as he locked the leg cuffs on to her legs.
Only when she tried to kick her leg up did she realize that her legs
were tied together with less than six inches of play between them.
Richard left the room and turned off the lights, shutting the
door behind her. The only light was from the dim glow of the
readouts on the box under the bed.
She soon realized what the purpose of the device was. She
ground her hips around, trying to climax. But right before she made
it, the device turned the vibrations off, leaving her wet and
dripping in her dark prison. She panted through her gag and heaved
against her corset. More than once she lost her balance in the
heels, but that only resulted in pressure on her arms until she
righted herself.
Minutes later, the vibrations started again. This time, she was
able to climax before the device turned the power off again.
For unknown hours, the box toyed with her. There seemed to be
no pattern to the things bursts of power. Sometimes, she could
climax, once, twice, or even three times. Then there was a long
stretch of brief bursts that left her sobbing through her gag and
struggling against the corset for breath.
She twisted around furiously during the next surge of
electricity, and felt the cord wrapping around her. She kept turning
the same way, on tiptoes in the heels, pulling the cord around her
until she felt something budge. The lights on the box went out, and
the vibrations stopped.
She sagged in relief, as the buzzing in her crotch died. Then,
as the silence endured, she became worried. What is Richard going to
do when he finds me like this? she wondered.
Probably think of something even more twisted, spoke up a
cynical little corner of her mind.
She endured in silence, trying to find some way to get
comfortable. Several minutes of squirming demonstrated the
impossibility of that.
Finally, after an eternity of suspended agony, she heard
footsteps from outside. She twiched and twisted in place, and saw
him as he entered the room.
He walked up to her and shook his head again. "Jennifer,
Jennifer. I just don't understand," he said as he untangled the cord
that was wound around her. After a minute or so, he bent down and
inspected the box. It did not look damaged, and he managed to get it
to work again by simply plugging it back into the extension cord.
"I was careless, I see," she said. Jennifer tried to sigh in
relief, but the gag and the corset interfered. "Don't worry. I will
do better next time. I learn from my mistakes." Somehow, this was
not at all comforting to her.
He went over to the dresser and returned with a length of cord.
He took one end of it and tied it to one of the two bedposts at the
foot of the bed. Then, he went behind her and tied it to the narrow
piece of leather that went between her butt cheeks. Continuing, he
took the other end of the cord and tied it to the other bedpost at
the foot of the bed.
Jennifer quickly realized that this would prevend her from
repeating her previous stunt. The cord would run out of slack in
less than two rotations, leaving her very uncomfortably constricted.
All she could do is moan in protest. "You leave me a bit
puzzled, dear Jessica," he said. "You told me that you were horny,"
he said. "If you would have been paitent, I would have showed you
how to use the vibrator yourself.
"But you were impatient, and needed to be punished. I gave you
the pleasure that you desired... I thought. Did I err?"
Did I err? Don't you know what you've been putting me through?!
she thougut furiously.
"Here is my quandary," he said. "Your punishment must continue,
of course, for your misbehavior. But do you want to be plugged back
in, or do you wish to continue your punishment without any
She could only stare at him. What a decision! It was hard for
her to decide which would be worse.
"One grunt means that you wish silence. Two will indicate that
you wish it to be plugged back in."
She moaned once immediately. Then, after a long pause, she
grunted again.
Why did I do that? she wondered as he set up the box again and
plugged her in.
Chapter 7
This time, the first burst from the box was exceedingly brief.
As her vibrating belt silenced itself, she was able to watch Richard
as he went about his business.
He opened another door and turned the light on. She could see
that it was a large bathroom, and witnessed him disrobing down to his
underwear. This is the first time that she had seen him nearly
disrobed in a well lit place. As another short pulse from the belt
hit her, she found herself heating up at the sight of him.
She saw him brush his teeth, then he finally shed his underwear.
His manhood was limp when he emerged from the bathroom.
Richard gave her a long, hard look as the vibrator started up
again. She wriggled and tried to bring the vibrator further into
her. As she looked at him, she saw his penis stiffen and rise up
from its resting place.
He shut the door behind him and went into a darkened room. The
light from the room revealed it to be some sort of walk-in closet,
with clothes on the hangers. But the clothes were rather odd...
He shut the door behind him and she could see a bar of light
peeking through the bottom of the doorway. He emerged just a minute
later, with a few things in his hands. Oh, god! What is he going to
do to me now? She was close, so close...
The vibrations died again and she hissed in frustration through
the breathing hole in her gag. Richard laid two things down on the
bed and went over to dim the lights. One of the things resembled the
chastity belt that she now wore. But I'm already wearing one! How
the hell could I use another? she wondered.
He had put it down near the foot of the bed, so she had a good
view of it. This one had a phallic protrusion on it, but it was a
bit longer and narrower than hers had. And it was on the thin rear
strap, instead of the wider one inside of her right now. Oh god!
Now he's going to put something up my ass! It took her a moment to
notice the front of it...
In front, it looked like there was a sheath for a man's penis to
go into. It also looked like underneath the sheath, there was some
sort of bulge with a wire protruding from it. That wire went back to
the plug in back. She thought that she could see some sort of
recessed plug in, like for an adapter, on the bulge underneath the
penis sheath. He's going to wear *that* to bed?
The vibrator switched on, and coherent thought became difficult.
She saw Richard return to the bed and start to apply some sort of
lubricant to the plug.
He laid down on the bed, and she had a very nice view of him as
he pulled the thing on and slid the plug into place. Then he slowly
worked his penis into the sheath.
When he was done, he buckled the belt together around his waist.
There was no lock on the belt that *he* wore, she noticed. She was
surprised by the next thing that he did. He took out a pair of
leather cuffs, and fastened his own ankles together. How bizarre
*is* this guy, anyway? she thought as she felt the muscles in her
vagina starting to tense up.
He reached up, and she saw him pull a very short chain out from
behind the bed. Jessica saw that it seemed to be attached to the
wall. There was a wire wrapped around it that attached to the inch
cubed metal block that also served as the end of the chain. A second
wire about six feet long emerged from the metal box.
Richard took the second wire and plugged it into the bulge under
his penis sheath. She didn't hear any additional buzzing as she came
closer to her own orgasm. Then, he took out a pair of wrist cuffs
and padlocked them to his own wrists. There was no connection
between them, but there was a short oddly shaped metal key attached
to each cuff via a very short chain.
She saw him push one of the metal keys into the box, and heard a
click. She was so close, so close...
As she saw him push the second key into the box. Now both of
his hands were nearly chained together, and she heard a second
buzzing noise, this time coming from his belt.
As soon as she saw this, the orgasm hit her. She was thankful
when the vibrator kicked off seconds later.
It was impossible for her to sleep in this condition. The
standing in the stiletto heels with arms overhead made it impossible
enough, but the vibrator kicking in and out over the course of the
night made it even more exhausting.
With nothing else to focus on, she watched Richard over the
course of the night. His vibrations also kicked on and off, she
noticed, but it seemed much more regular. There was a long on
period, and an even longer off period. She saw him writhe on the bed
and struggle against his own self-inflicted bondage. Near the end of
each session, she saw him twist and thrust his hips and grunt in
pleasure. Only one time did she see the vibrator kick off without
him apparently finishing the job. God! she thought as her vibrator
kicked off again, leaving her panting. I wish that was me on his
This cycle must have happened at least a half of a dozen times
during the night, compared to Jennifer's dozens of random pulses.
Finally, she saw a hint of light creep through the closed curtains.
Finally! She thought. But then she wondered about something.
He's tied up too. How is he going to get untied?
Her question answered itself. There was one last period of
vibration in Richard's belt. After a while, and just after he let
out a grunt of pleasure, she heard a sharp electronic clicking noise.
Jennifer saw that the metal keys were now loose from the small metal
box on the end of the chain, and the vibrations had stopped. Slowly,
he yawned and opened his eyes as Jennifer's exhausted body shuddered
with yet another spasm of pleasure.
"Good morning," she heard him say as he smiled at her. He
unbuckled his wrist restraints and slowly bent down to unplug the
power cord to his belt. As he was working on the straps around his
ankles, the continuous vibrations sent Jennifer into another bout of
moaning through her gag.
He got out of the bed, with his belt still on. She was glad
when he bent down under the bed and switched off the box. She saw
his muscular butt moving as he made his way to the bathroom and
closed the door behind him.
Chapter 8
She heard Richard shower and go through his other morning
activities. When he emerged, he was completely naked.
He walked over to her and untied the rope that kept her from
twisting around. Next, he unplugged the cord between her chastity
belt and torturously stimulating electrical device.
After he unlocked the wrist restraints, she collapsed. Only
Richard's strong arm around her corsetted waist kept her from hitting
the floor. I'm so tired... she thought as fatigue, held at bay for
so long, now entered her with a vengeance.
He did not release her feet from the hobble, but instead picked
her up in his arms. I've been swept off my feet, she thought
deleriously as he carried her out of his room. If only I could
appreciate this.
Richard gently laid her down on her bed. She collapsed
immediately and barely budged as he started to remove the remaining
bondage attire from her.
The ankle restraints, the shoes. Then, to her surprise, the
belt. She managed to crack her eyes open and look at him as he did
that. The look on his face was almost... tender.
"Richard...", she said dreamily as he turned her over and
started to unlace her corset. Within a few minutes, he rolled her
back on her front and unhooked the front busks.
Did she dream it, or did he give her a kiss before he left the
Birds flew by underneath her as she traveled on tiptoes above
the clouds.
Jennifer looked down, and saw the world below her. She was not
surprised to see that she wore white shoes on her feet, with the
stiletto heels so impossibly high that she could not see them touch
the ground.
A bird landed on her left shoulder, then the right. Both were
green with red feathers around the eyes. "See, see!" the one on the
right said.
"Listen, listen well," said the one on her left shoulder.
They disappeared, and she looked around. Then, from behind her,
a hand reached around and touched her on the cheek.
She shivered as a pair of lips kissed her on the back of the
neck. "Richard..." she called out, and tried to turn around.
Jennifer moved with impossible slowness. She felt her heels
slipping on the earth far below, and her body began to fall, fall so
She woke up with a start. For the first time several days, she
woke up completely naked. Slowly, she rubbed her hands over her
chest and crotch, not quite believing it. Her shoulders and feet
were still sore from her last ordeal. Her crotch did not seem sore
at all, surprisingly.
She rolled to a sitting position on the side of the bed, and
tried to stand up. The headache that greeted her sent her back to
the bed, and she remained there for several minutes until it
subsided. This almost feels like a hangover, she thought.
Slowly, she managed to get to her feet. Jennifer walked to the
bathroom, and found some ibuprofen in the medicine cabinet. Three
tablets later, she walked back into her room and discovered a note on
the nightstand.
I won't be back until late tonight. Feel free to make yourself
whatever you want for supper.
There is going to be a small change in your sleeping
arrangements. I would like for you to get up before me and have
breakfast waiting for me in the kitchen. Therefore, you will need to
get all of your preparations done the evening before.
As for your wake-up call... I'm sure that you saw my alarm clock
system in action last night. There is now one for you as well in
your room. The control panel, wires and chains are located in a
panel in your headboard. You will find it if you look.
The wire connects to your chastity belt, and the wrist cuffs are
in the top dresser drawer. All parts need to be connected for it to
properly work. Remember... there will be no wakeup call.
Oversleeping will result in disciplinary actions.
What the... Jennifer thought as she read his note. She was
mulling over the full ramifications of the letter as she felt around
her headboard. Sure enough, it was there. She found a small hinged
door there, with recessed hinges and a hard to find latch. Jennifer
opened it, and saw an electronic control panel set several inches
back behind it. There were four dials along the bottom and a
flashing LED display that flashed 030...008...020...030, then paused,
then repeated.
Below that there was a short chain with a wire wrapped around
that on the inner ledge. Jennifer took it out, and saw that it was
identical to the one that Richard had used. The chain ended in a
small metal cube. This cube had the two slots in the sides, just
like Richard's. The wire entered the box on the top, and exited out
the bottom. Six more feet of power cord led to a plug for a power
She left the panel open and sighed. She went to her dresser
drawer and opened it up. Sure enough, there were two wrist cuffs and
two padlocks there. The wrist cuffs each had four inch long chains
which ended in the familiar metal fork...
And her chastity belt was there, complete with dildo and rubber
warts. She did not know whether to smile or cry when she saw it.
She sat down on the bed and was about to turn on the television
when her stomach grumbled. Jennifer headed for the door... and
remembered Richard's rule about leaving her room out of uniform.
She opened the door a crack and listened intently. Not a sound
came from the rest of the house. "If he's not here..." she said as
she stepped out naked into the hallway.
There was no sign of him as she cautiously made her way to the
kitchen. She threw last night's leftovers into the microwave and sat
down while they heated up. Ding! She pulled the food out and dug
Ten minutes later, she was done. She hunted around, and found a
clock that showed the time to be half past seven.
Hmmm, she thought. Time to do some exploring. Most of the
house as she remembered was very impersonally decorated. The only
rooms that had any personality at all were his den and his bedroom.
Thoughts of his bedroom started to make her warm. But that's
probably locked, she thought to herself. Guessing that, she headed
for his den.
It was unlocked, and she let herself in and sat down at the
desk. Let's see what's in these drawers...
The lower three drawers were unlocked, but the top two were not.
There, she found another few financial sheets with outrageous
numbers on them. Then, in the other one...
Drawings. They looked to be originals, not copies, and were
fairly well done. The first drawing took her a moment to recognize.
It was a nude drawing... of herself.
The second one showed her in her maid's outfit. It was not
exactly lifelike, but more like a fashion plate. She turned it over
on the desk and looked at the third. This one was a picture of her
in the red rubber hobble dress. She looked up momentarily, and saw
that there was writing on the back of the second drawing.
'Can you make this by tomorrow?' was scrawled on top. Below
this, in different handwriting, was the reply. 'This and the next
one... but the other four will take at least a week... probably two.'
Four others? she wondered. The rest of the sheets were blank.
She searched the drawer for more drawings, but none was there to be
Jennifer poked around his den, but did not find anything more of
interest. Out of idle curiosity, she poked around the rest of the
house. Room after impersonal room. On the second floor, in a dark
side hall, she found a doorway that led further up. Jennifer had not
been there before, and she headed up immediately.
It was dark, and she fumbled around with her hands in the
stairwell until she found a light switch. A single lonely lightbulb
cast a dim light around the very expansive attic that she saw.
There were a number of cardboard boxes stacked up in one corner,
and a large chest in the other. Carefully, she moved through the
shadows and started to open the first box.
She noticed that they were all labeled "Dad's stuff". She
grabbed ahold of the first object at the top of the box. It was a
musty, yellowing bondage magazine.
Jennifer scanned through it and saw page after page of tied up
women. High heels and corsets were common in the magazine. She saw
that the copyright was from over twenty years ago.
The rest of the box was the same. Jennifer repacked the box and
started to methodically investigate the others.
There were four more boxes of the same. The sixth box held
clothing instead. High heels, a corset, a bra with built in
falsies... a couple of dresses
She slipped a shoe on briefly, and felt that it was much too
large for her. With a start, she realized that this clothing was
sized for a *man* to wear.
Jennifer repacked the box and continued. One more box of
transvestite trappings. The last three held all sorts of restraints
and discipline devices. The leather felt old and stiff, like it had
not been cared for in years.
She repacked the last box, and went to the trunk. It was
unlocked, and did not look to be terribly old. Inside, she found
more clothing. Thigh high boots with stiletto heels, a corset,
leather gloves... and a whip.
There were pictures in this box as well. She saw a younger
Richard posing with a raven haired beauty. About half of the
pictures were of them in mundane settings. There was a wedding
picture of the two of them. From her dress, she guessed that the
woman had to be wearing a tight corset underneath. But the rest were
of a more intimate sort. Richard and the woman dressed up in leather
at what looked like a kinky party. There were pictures of the woman
bound up, wearing corsets and heels, with sex toys on her genitals...
and wearing a dominatrix outfit, identical to what was in the box.
Richard was also the subject of a candid photographic history.
There were many pictures of him in a dominant leather outfit, but
some pictures of Richard being the one tied up. And in a some, it
looked like Richard was dressed up in woman's clothing, usually in
bondage as well.
She dug deeper, and found letters. Not many, but a few. She
found the one with the latest postmark and started to read.
Dear Richard:
I'm sorry that it had to end this way. You showed me how to
look inside and find what's really inside. Now I know what I really
I will fondly remember the wonderful moments that we had
together, and try to forget the pain that I caused. I hope that
someday you can forgive me.
I've found a slave named Jerry that may prove to be worthy to
serve me. His ordeal will be severe, but there is no other way to be
sure, is there?
With memories, and regrets,
Jennifer thumbed through the rest of them, and found them to be
similar in content. Deep in thought, she repacked the trunk and
headed back downstairs, turning off the light on the way down.
She wandered to the entryway, and paced back and forth a bit.
But then, through a window, she saw headlights traveling down the
long private driveway.
"Oh, shit!" she said aloud. "He's almost here!"
Chapter 9
She took off for her room at a dead run. Jennifer flew inside
and headed for the top drawer. First she locked on one wrist cuff,
then the other. She hesitated with the chastity belt. Once I get it
on, it isn't coming off until he unlocks it, she knew. Maybe I can
just plug everything in without actually wearing the belt, she
thought. But, somehow, deep down, she was sure that he would check
in on her tonight.
She pulled the belt tightly around her waist. She had to strain
to lock it in place. This puzzled her for a moment. Then she
realized that before, there had been a corset underneath that had
narrowed her waist. *Now* Jennifer remembered the directions on his
note. He had told her to 'get all of her preparations done the
evening before'. "Shit!" she said aloud.
Jennifer clenched her fists in frustration, then made up her
mind. She reached between her legs and pulled the strap through.
Her lack of lubrication made it very difficult to get in
properly. She had to spend almost a minute putting it in, and when
she finally latched it in place, it still felt much more
uncomfortable than it ever had before.
She heard the sound of the front door opening. Jennifer quickly
walked to the bedroom door, wincing as she stepped forward and moved
the unlubricated parts around inside of her. She quietly closed the
door, and turned off the light.
As she fumbled for her bed, she thought that she heard footsteps
in the house. Jennifer hastily flopped into bed and fumbled with the
chain. She realized that she needed to plug the belt in first, or
she wouldn't be able to after her hands were connected to the wall
with just a couple of feet of chain. Frantically, she fumbled in
the dark, finally finding what seemed to be an outlet for it.
First metal fork. It went in with a click. The second one
slipped away. As she fumbled around, trying to get a grip on it, she
could tell that her wrist was now firmly attached to the wall via the
The second one finally slipped in. Jennifer arched her back and
had to stifle an outcry as the vibrations erupted in her groin. She
writhed and tried to bring her hands down to her crotch. She wanted
to pull it out... do something. But the chain held tight and
prevented her from doing this.
Jennifer saw the door starting to open. She gritted her teeth
and managed to reduce her movement to a slow grind. As the door
opened, she closed her eyes to a mere slit and looked at him.
The light from the hallway seemed to shine directly on Jennifer.
She saw that Richard did not come any further into the room. He
just looked her up and down, with a slight smile on his face. Then
his smile turned to a frown. Without saying anything, he closed the
door and she could hear the sound of his receding footsteps.
Jennifer let out the groan that she had been stifling. In spite
of the discomfort, the vibrations from the dildo in her belt were
slowly getting her juices flowing. In a matter of a few minutes, she
was lubricated enough for the dildo to slide the rest of the way
inside of her.
The nubs above the dildo finally slid into their appointed spot
near her clitoris. This was vibrating just as furiously as the
phallus inside of her. As they touched the flesh inside of her, the
resulting sensations felt like a bolt of electricity coursing up her
spine. Her hands strained against the cuffs and her toes curled.
"Aaahh!" she cried out.
Jennifer twisted and thrashed about in the bed. She managed to
turn over and tried to dislodge the plug to her belt, but it seemed
to be almost all the way inside of the belt and impossible to remove.
There was tension along her entire body, from face and hands
down her back and through her legs. She must have held this pose for
minutes. When she finally relaxed her body, it was to grind her hips
back and forth in an insane fury. Jennifer did not know if she was
trying to dislodge the vibrating devices within, or to egg them on.
After only seconds of this, she cried out again as an orgasm slowly
started to rumble through her body.
It started as a fire in her crotch, then magically moved to her
toes. Her fingers were next, and it felt like gentle, humming waves
radiating out from her groin. Slowly, ever so slowly, the waves of
pleasure traveled through her body.
When the waves met the fire in her fingers and toes, her entire
body seemed to catch on fire. She kicked her legs up and waved them
wildly in midair as the pleasure reached its peak.
The ebbing was just as slow. First, her legs were released from
the flames, then her thighs. Jennifer's legs dropped back to the bed
like the nerves had been cut. Next, the heat in her hands slowly
cooled down, and her hands unclenched of their own accord.
The inferno receded from her face, and she was able to unclench
her jaw. There was a tingling in her breasts, and all that was left
was a humming feeling in her crotch.
She had two more orgasms before the power finally turned off.
When it was done, she felt relaxed, but not tired. There was a
feeling of euphoria as she tried to move her pillow into proper
position and get comfortable on the bed.
Just as her thoughts were starting to wander in the way that
they do before sleep comes, her belt suddenly came alive again. She
twisted her head and thrashed her legs in surprise as the ordeal of
the belt resumed.
Jennifer lost track of the number of times that the belt kicked
in. It must have been at least eight more times, she thought. Nine?
Maybe ten? Each time she came to an orgasm, often several minutes
before the vibrations would stop. And each time, she seemed to
remember being just *that* close to a second orgasm before the belt
would return to a state of quiet.
Finally, there was one that seemed longer than the rest. She
just made it to her second orgasm when the vibrations stopped within
She was surprised when she found that her hands were now free.
Bleary-eyed, she looked around. Jennifer stumbled out of bed and
turned on the light. As she looked back at her bed, she saw a huge
wet spot on the bedcovers.
"God, do I have to pee," she said as she staggered to her
Chapter 10
Jennifer put the metal fork into the lock in her belt and opened
it up. She immediately relieved herself, spending almost five
minutes getting everything out that wanted to come out.
She cleaned up her crotch with a dry cloth, then found herself
having some difficult getting the plug back inside of her. She
solved this by masturbating for a minute or two and getting her
crotch wet again.
Jennifer reconnected her belt, which released her from the
bathroom counter but sent the phallus firmly back into her. She then
was faced with the problem of what to wear as she made breakfast.
She was sure that he wanted her to wear the corset. But as she
tried to fasten it, she knew that it was supposed to be on underneath
the belt. And as she tightened it, the waiststrap of the belt became
*much* more uncomfortable with the corset over it.
Of course she couldn't put the maid's outfit on over it. She
simply could not cinch it tight enough on her own, and the belt
underneath made it even more difficult. Damn, damn, damn...
Jennifer made her decision. I don't think there's any way to do
this, she thought to herself. She donned the parts of her outfit
that she could, which included her fishnet stockings and locked on
stiletto heels. Then she carried her corset, maids outfit, and lock
for it downstairs. As she walked, the chastity belt reminded her
that it was there with every step that she took.
She put the corset, maid's outfit, and padlock on the kitchen
table. Then with a resigned sigh, she started to make breakfast.
He's probably going to be pissed at me, Jennifer thought.
Goddammit, I tried to do what he said! This probably means he's
going to punish me.
That thought brought forth both fear and anticipation. She
never would have done any of his 'punishments' voluntarily... but she
had managed to survive, and with a few orgasms to boot.
Jennifer finished up the hashbrowns, eggs, and bacon. She made
up two plates of food and put them on the table. Next, the orange
juice and coffee. All that was left to do was wait.
Just a minute later, she heard the sounds of Richard's
footsteps. She saw him fully dressed standing at the entrance to the
kitchen. He stared at her and her bare breasts for a long moment.
Then, he walked in and sat down at the table.
Richard just looked at her, quietly. The silence was becoming
unbearable for Jennifer. Just say it! she thought. Just say that I
messed up and get it over with.
He continued to say nothing. She was the one to break the
silence. "I'm sorry that I'm out of uniform this morning. I...
didn't plan well last night." There was continuing silence from
Richard. "I'm sorry. I suppose that I am to be punished," she said,
looking down.
"I guess that I did not make myself clear in the note," he said.
"I knew that you would likely have problems on your own. I expected
to find you in the living room waiting for me or some such thing. I
was planning to be home in time to tuck you in." There was a slight
momentary smile on his face when he said the last three words, then
the smile faded. "Although you didn't come to breakfast in uniform,
it is not entirely your fault. For this I will suspend judgment."
She let out a relieved sigh. "But... I'm quite sure that you were up
and about out of uniform when I was gone."
Jennifer went from relief to anxiety. " did you know?"
she said, not denying it.
A half smile came across his face. "The readout on your 'alarm
clock' indicated that your cycle had started just moments before I
had stepped in. This means that you probably rushed to get into it
when I arrived. And if you had been in uniform, you would have gone
to bed with your corset on. I know that you can not get out of it
Jennifer's sighed an admission of guilt. "Now what?" she asked.
"Let's eat breakfast," he said. "I must think about it."
Breakfast was very quiet. Richard was eating his breakfast
slowly, obviously lost deep in thought. Jennifer ate more quickly,
and found herself fidgeting as he finished up the last of his
"I have decided upon a suitable punishment," he said. Jennifer
held her breath in anticipation. "Go to your room," he commanded in
a calm voice, "and take these," he said, gesturing at the corset and
maid's outfit. "Disrobe there. I will be there shortly."
She scooped up the unworn parts of her outfit and returned to
her room. She put the outfit, corset, and padlock away, and unlocked
the shoes from her feet. After she removed her fishnets, she sat
down on the bed to wait. The chastity belt remained in place as she
did not have a key for it.
Five minutes later, Richard arrived. He held in his hands
several rubber items. "Just a word of explanation. You flaunted the
dress code that is required of you when you are outside of your room.
It is not particularly difficult for you to function in your normal
outfit. I just want you to know that it can get worse for you."
"Worse?" she said hesitantly.
Richard handed her something made of rubber. She recognized it
after a few seconds as an enema bag, rubber tube, and nozzle. There
was a clamp no the rubber tube that was blocking any water flow.
"Give yourself an enema," he said. "Then, when you have expelled it
all, do it again."
She was taken aback by this. An enema? She slowly walked to
the bathroom as Richard put the rest of his load on the bed.
Jennifer slowly filled the bag up with warm water and sealed the bag.
When she was done, she turned back to shut the door, but found
Richard standing in the doorway.
She felt his eyes boring into her as she tried to work the
narrow nozzle into her rectum. "Can't I use some Vaseline or
something?" she asked.
Richard went to the bed and came back with an unlabeled tube.
"Try this," he said.
Jennifer liberally coated the nozzle with the thick lubricant.
It was much easier to put in place. When it was there, she slowly
raised the bag over her head and let the water flow in. She was
acutely uncomfortable with Richard watching her as she did this.
She found it to be an interesting experience, as her bowels
filled up with fluid. By the time that the bag was empty, she felt
like she had a case of diarrhea and had to go.
"Wait a few minutes," he said. She hopped from foot to foot in
"What if I can't?" she asked.
"Then I'll have to add something else to your punishment," he
The next minutes felt like hours to her. At last, he gestured
and nodded for her to relieve herself.
WOOSH!" After she removed the nozzle and sat down, the watery
contents of her bowels came rushing out. It was several minutes
before she was fully done with it.
While she was doing this, Richard refilled the bag. "Again," he
said even before she had stood up.
Jennifer guided the nozzle in while she was still sitting on the
toilet. He held it even higher, and the water rushed in even faster.
This one she could not hold at all. Almost immediately after it
was done, her sphincter let go and released the pressure behind it.
Richard watched her impassionately as she finished up and
started to clean up. When she was done, he walked out and curtly
gestured for her to follow.
He picked up the next item and brought it over to her. She
realized that this was a corset made of very heavy red rubber with
attached breast cups. It only had lacing in back, with no front
closure, and extended from hips to armpits. There were several very
short garters on the lower rim. Richard put it on her and began the
laborious process of lacing it up from scratch.
She noticed something unusual about the breast cups almost
immediately. She felt rubber warts on the inside that touched her on
the nipples. As he tightened it around her, she felt her nipples
stand erect as they were stimulated.
Now he started to pull it tight. This corset felt subtly
different than the other ones she had worn. This one did not
actually force her to hold a specific posture. But when she tried to
bend over or breathe, it felt like a tight powerful spring was
fighting her every movement.
By the time that he was done lacing it, this one was just as
effective at keeping her breathless as the other corsets. Right
after he finished with the corset, he told her to sit on the bed.
Next there was a pair of red rubber stockings. Richard had to
almost roll them onto her. They were very tight, and the upper edge
was touching the innermost corner of her thigh. Calmly and
efficiently, he attached the garters to the stockings.
Jennifer was starting to become hot in this outfit, and it had
nothing to do with sex. Only her groin, arms, neck, and head were
open to the outside world. The rest was encased in the firm, tight
Now Richard dug in her closet. He found the red shoes that she
had worn before with the hobble dress. Grabbing two padlocks from
the collection here, he locked over five inches of red stiletto heel
onto each foot.
Rubber gloves were next. These were not the elbow length ones
that she remembered. Instead, these went up to her armpits.
Sweat was forming on her brow now. Jennifer let out an
involuntary cry as she saw the next item that he had for her to wear.
It was a chastity belt. It looked identical to the one she had
been wearing... but this one had an additional feature. On the strap
that went between her butt cheeks, there was now a red rubber butt
plug there. Richard had her stand up as he locked it around her
waist. Then he liberally applied lubricant to the plug.
The plug was the first thing in. "Please, no!" she begged of
him as he started to slide it into place.
"Do I have to think of something worse?" he said with a raised
eyebrow. This implied threat reduced her to whimpering as the plug
slowly slid into place.
The last couple of inches went in quickly, as the narrower base
of the plug was thrust inside of her. He pulled the front phallus
inside of her. The rubber warts in the breast cups must have excited
her sexually, because the dildo slid into her easily.
He locked it in front, and Jennifer felt the belt cutting in
tightly, thrusting the two rods into her. She felt more nubs above
the front dildo, that came dangerously close to tickling her clit.
Jennifer was sweating profusely now, but the only place it was
visible was on her face. Richard went to her closet and pulled out
the red hobble dress of several nights before.
"I'll bake!" she said as he unzipped it.
"I'll turn on the cooling system," he offered.
With a pathetic look on her face, Jennifer stepped into the
dress. He zipped it up in back to her neck. Richard locked the
zipper in place with a small padlock he had in his pocked. Jennifer
guessed that this one could not be opened with the ring of keys in
her room.
"There you go," he said. She looked at herself in the mirror,
and saw the same red version of Morticia Adams staring back at her.
This time she had a second layer of rubber under the dress. Her face
was covered with sweat and her hair was limp from the perspiration.
"Now, you need to attend to the laundry," he said, walking out
of the room. Jennifer took six inch steps in her stiletto heels,
which was all that the dress would allow. Even these small movements
of her legs had the phalluses inside of her wiggling around. And as
she moved, the rubber gave enough for her nipples to be massaged with
every jiggle.
As she passed her door, she looked in the mirror and saw a bead
of sweat running down the front of her shiny red rubber hobble dress.
Richard was good in his offer to turn on the cooling. The
temperature plunged low enough that her nose was cold. Jennifer felt
that she could survive for awhile, at least.
He also said that she could stop to drink as often as she
wanted, as long as the chores were done. She took advantage of this,
but knew that she wouldn't be able to get everything done. She would
be lucky if half of today's work was finished.
The plugs and breast cups were also driving her half mad.
Whenever she closed her eyes, she had visions of being in bed with
Richard and having vigorous, pounding sex.
After she prepared lunch, Jennifer took a can of soda and
wriggled over to a couch in the main living room. Richard was also
sitting on the same couch. Between them there was an open briefcase,
and he was intently pouring over a handful of documents.
"You know there's no way that I can finish everything today,"
she said.
He put down his papers and looked at her. Jennifer's rubber
dress was slicked in spots with perspiration, which enhanced the
gloss even more. She though she saw a moment of that intense lusting
look on his face, but if it was there, it faded before she could be
sure. "You have a problem then, I'd say," he said, looking back at
his papers.
"Then why should I try?" she asked.
He looked up again. "That's a rather poor attitude, isn't it?"
he asked.
Jennifer shrugged. "I'm really not here to do the chores. I'm
here to be on display for you." Carefully, she stood up and started
to twirl around with tiny steps in her stilettos and hobble skirt.
"Do you like what you see?" she asked.
She definitely saw the lusting look, she was sure. But it faded
again. "I think that you should go back to your chores," he said.
Jennifer sat back down again. She felt the tightness of the
dress at her knees and her buttocks as she did this. "Why? I'm
right here, for your viewing pleasure," she said.
Richard stared at her. "What do you want?" he said, with a hint
of exasperation.
"I want to know *why*," Jennifer asked. "I want to know why you
had me strutting around with no underwear, but you wouldn't even
touch me. I want to know why you have me dressed up like this, right
now, with dildoes and everything driving me nuts while I sweat to
death." She paused and battled the rubber corset to regain her
breath. "I want to know why you tied yourself up that one night."
"I don't want to discuss it," he said. "You should really
resume your chores."
Jennifer took a long sip of her soda. "Does it have something
to do with you ex-wife? Or your father?" she asked.
His eyes bored into her. "How do you know about that?" he
"I was a very bad girl last night," she said. "When I was
prancing around naked, I found some things that you had stashed in
the attic."
She saw his teeth clench and his hand start to twitch. "What
were you doing up there?" he asked, with what appeared to be very
genuine anger.
"I was trying," she said, "to find out something about my
mysterious employer. This employer who offers me a great deal of
money to dress up for him. He's so strange that he will turn down
offers of sex with his beautiful housekeeper, even when she's dressed
up. Even when she's ready and willing to do it, without thinking of
the money. Even when she looks like a girl right out of his
Richard shut his eyes and breathed deeply. Slowly, she saw the
anxiety fade from his face and hands. "Do you want to tell me why?"
she asked, softly.
Chapter 11
"'Why?' is never an easy question," he said.
"Try," Jennifer said as she slicked her sweat down the front of
her rubber dress. Now there was a watery sheen over her breasts.
That felt kind of interesting, she thought, as the movement had moved
the rubber warts in her outfit against her nipples.
Richard took a long look at her shiny slick red bosom. "Perhaps
I should start at the beginning," he said.
"My father, Andrew, was very 'into' corsets, rubber, high heels
and the like," he said. "So much so, that he married a woman that
would cater to his every wish in that regard. He was fortunate to
have the means to indulge his fantasies.
"I can remember her clearly," he said, "I must have been, maybe
six. My parents thought that I was tucked away in bed. I heard
something, and cracked the door open.
"I saw my father dressed in rubber from head to toe. And my
mother wore a black rubber french maid's dress, with long black
rubber stockings, long black rubber gloves, and stiletto heels. Her
waist was so tiny... later I learned that it was very corsetted. I
saw them both disappear into their room. My curiosity got the better
of me. I snuck out and went to their door.
"They left their door open just a crack, and I was able to watch
my parents having passionate sex while attired in their kinky
outfits. My mother was tied to the bed while my father ravished her.
"My mother passed away two years later," he said. Richard's
voice started to choke. "My father was heartbroken. He cried so
much at her funeral... I had never seen him cry before."
"I'm sorry," Jennifer said.
Richard continued as if he did not hear her. "My father was
never the same man after that. For almost two years, he went through
the motions of life, with almost no joy or pleasure. It was during
this time that I discovered my father's collection of pornography,
and his stash of sex toys and kinky outfits. By the time that I was
ten, I had tried out a dozen butt plugs, walked around in my mother's
high heels, and masturbated to the sight of women in rubber and
"Then," he said, "My father started to date again, if that was
the correct term. He would bring women into the house. They would
stay a few days to a month or two. I managed to catch a glimpse of
them on occasion. They were dressed up like my mother used to.
But... I never saw the same look of enjoyment on their face. Later,
I learned that he used his money to attract them, and the girls
dumped him when they had sponged off of him for long enough. There
were exceptions, but few.
"I... had oral sex with my first woman when I was fourteen.
This woman was one of the exceptions. Named Victoria, she was a
dominatrix. I spied on them twice. The first time, she had my
father kneeling down on the floor as she made him lick her boots.
The second time, he was tied to the bed, blindfolded and gagged. A
chastity belt was on him. That was the time that she found me.
"'What are you doing here?'" she had asked me out of earshot of
my father. I stammered and stuttered. 'I don't do this for an
audience, only for participants," she said. Victoria whipped out a
pair of handcuffs and fastened my hands behind my back. As my father
moaned in his bedroom, she led me to the sitting room. She sat down,
spread her legs wide, and commanded me to lick her pussy." Oh, god!
thought Jennifer. No wonder he's so far out in left field when it
comes to sex!
"Victoria repeated that about a dozen times. Each time, she
would come over and tie my father up. Then she would come for me and
have me use my mouth to give her pleasure. She was a very good
teacher, actually."
Jennifer remembered the time that he had performed oral sex on
her. It certainly was the best that I'd ever had! she thought.
"I'm not sure why Victoria stopped coming over. My father's
next girl was not a dominatrix. In fact, when I spied on them, she
was always dressed up from head to toe in rubber or shiny vinyl, and
tied to my father's bed.
"One day, when I was listening through the door, I heard the
phone ring. After finishing, my father said 'I have to go for a
couple of hours. I think you'll be able to manage for that long,' he
"I raced back to my room and waited for my father to leave.
When I was sure that he was gone, I went back to my father's room and
slowly snuck inside.
"The woman was there, in a full body suit that covered her from
head to toe. Her eyes were hidden by the hood, and she was breathing
through a tube in her helmet. High heels were locked onto her feet,
and the only part of her flesh that was visible was her pussy. Her
narrow waist was obviously due to a corset underneath the rubber.
"I'm not quite sure why, but I used Victoria's lesson first.
With my tongue and lips, I had her squirming against her bonds. I
heard her moaning through her breathing tube. Then, when I was done
with that, I climbed up onto the bed and mounted her.
"I had sex with her three times. I was fortunate in that there
was a window in the room that would let me see my father's car
approaching. When I saw it coming, I pulled out and headed for my
"If my father ever found out about that, he never told me. And
three years later, he died as well. There was a pileup on the
highway... and my father did not survive."
Jennifer closed his briefcase and put it on the floor. She
tossed his papers onto the top of the briefcase, and wormed over to
him. She put her rubber encased arms around him, and pulled him
close. "That must be painful to remember," she said. He did not
pull away from her.
Richard nodded, but did not elaborate. "I was left, just
fifteen years old, with all of my father's money and possessions. It
was very awkward for me. I had always had private tutors when my
father was in charge of my education. My father had named my second
cousin my legal guardian, and he was actually rather nice to me. He
had his own sizable fortunes and was not interested in manipulating
mine. He showed up when a legal guardian was needed, but didn't
meddle in my life.
"I was not exactly the socialite. I spent my time designing
bondage and fetish outfits, as well as handling the portfolio that my
father left me. I learned how to do self bondage in some very
elaborate ways. When I was twenty two, I had the idea to acquire
partial or full ownership in a company that would cater to my
particular tastes.
"That company was Fantasy Supreme. The company headquarters and
production facilities are just across town, actually. However, I was
not and am not the sole owner of the company. The five men that were
over on friday are the other five stockholders. We each have about
equal holdings in the company.
"To tell you the truth, it is not the most profitable company
that I own. But it seems to be consistent in its balance sheets from
year to year. In fact, all parts of your maid's outfits and the
rubber dress that you are wearing now came from Fantasy Supreme.
There was a long pause in his narration. "What about your
wife?" she asked as she tried to adjust the plugs inside of her
rubber encased body. All she accomplished was to stimulate herself a
bit more.
Richard took a very deep breath before answering. "I met my
wife three years later at the company Christmas party of Fantasy
Supreme. She was a new hire, and was rather amazed by all that she
was seeing."
"Susana?" Jennifer asked. Richard nodded.
"We talked for the longest time that night. We had our first
date two days later. I slowly started to show her the things that
turned me on. She was hesitant at first, but it didn't take her long
to really get into it.
"But... I guess that we were two people that saw what we wanted
to see in the other person. That wasn't clear until we were married,
about two years after we had first met.
"I tried to let her find her innermost fantasies. I succeeded.
Unfortunately, they did not mesh well with mine. I wanted all of the
trappings of a life of fetish with a great deal of sex to boot. As
she became more versed in the possibilities, she found herself
adoring the lifestyle of a dominatrix."
"She constantly wanted to be in charge, while I wanted more
balance in our relationship. Also, her main pleasure was derived
from keeping control of a man in all ways... which included long
periods of enforced sexual abstinence. I... did not like that."
"How do you think that I liked it?" she asked.
Richard smiled. "It is one thing to have a chastity belt in
anticipation of a reward at the end. It is quite another not to know
when or even if your other half is going to relent.
"Two years after that, we finalized our divorce. In the end, it
was an amicable parting, I suppose. She had signed a pre-nuptial
agreement that left her with a comfortable nest egg."
"That was a year ago. I have dwelt alone here since then. I
have been looking... for something to compare to that first year that
Susana and I had together. The joy of exploration, the closeness,
the trust..."
This reminded Jennifer of the letter from the personal service
to Richard. "So," she asked, with her red rubber arms still around
him, "where do I fit in?"
Richard snorted with a twisted smile. "Originally, I just
wanted someone to help out around the house and indulge a few of my
voyeuristic fantasies. I never meant for it to become more than a
business relationship."
Jennifer rolled her eyes. "What do you expect? You put my body
on display, and expect me not to think of sex with the handsome man
who happens to be my employer? Maybe there's some impropriety, but
dammit, I don't care! I'm not staying here for the money anymore.
I'm here because of you."
Richard stared at her. "Be careful what you say," he said. "I
have some very definite and stringent requirements in a companion.
Most women are rather put off by it, while the remainder seem more
interested in my checkbook than in me."
"Why don't you give me a chance?" she asked. "I'm here, right
now, and willing. No waiting."
"I... have been burned already. It is not that easy for me to
believe... that there is someone interested in me for my own sake."
"You just don't understand," Jennifer said. "I've never had a
person that really wanted me. My mother told me day after day how
worthless I was. Every boyfriend that I had when in school and when
I was out on my own just wanted a live blow-up doll to screw silly.
Whenever I asked for just a little more, they were gone.
"The way that you looked at me that night... with that hunger in
your eyes. That hunger was for me, I'm sure. I've... never had
anyone look at me like that. And... well, when you finally did get
to business, you didn't leave me hanging. Every other boyfriend I
had would get me that close... and be done with it. Half of them
Richard thought about this for a long time. "I... am not sure.
I want you to really know what you're getting into. Remember," he
said, looking her in the eye, "you can leave at any time. Just say
the word, and I will release you from your contract. You will of
course be paid the higher wages."
Jennifer had not thought of the contract in quite a long time.
By her estimation, she was probably due for three or four thousand
dollars. "I'll remember that, but I don't think that I will be
taking you up on it."
"I have to be sure... don't expect our relationship to change.
I *have* to be sure."
She looked at him. "Can you at least drop the pretense of me
being here to do the chores? You could hire a couple of people to do
all of that much more efficiently than I could do it. Then you would
have more time with me. Why don't you just admit that you like to
see me dressed up for your pleasure, and that you really wouldn't
mind throwing me to the floor and taking me right now? Come on! Why
don't you do what you *really* want to do with me?"
"There are some practical difficulties with that," he said.
"But..." A smile came across his face. "There is something that
comes to mind..."
Chapter 12
There was a buzzing in her crotch and anus. Jennifer moaned and
tossed her head. Sweat was again rolling down her body, slicking the
front of her red rubber hobble dress.
She was seated in a leather chair. The back was low enough that
her arms could both be behind her. This was necessary because they
were now encased in an arm binder made of matching red latex. Her
stiletto heeled feet were tied to the legs of the chair, and the end
of the armbinder was fastened to the back legs of the chair.
Richard had unlocked her outer dress long enough to run a wire
from her chastity belt down and out the bottom of her skirt.
Additionally, one of her hands in the armbinder was now clutching a
button that she could press. The wire for this control was strung
out the top of the armbinder.
Both wires ended in a metal box with an LED readout that she
could clearly see. '00:49:57' was on the readout. Every second, the
last number decreased by one.
This box fed power to her chastity belt through the wire that
ran up her dress. And the button in her armbinder controlled the
box... in a way.
Richard smiled at her as she writhed and moaned. They were in
his den, and he was pretending to do serious work. But he spent most
of his time watching the wriggling Jennifer in her torture device.
He had told her the rules. "You can turn off the vibrations at
almost any time by pushing the button that you have," he had said.
"And when the time runs out, your ordeal will be over. The button
will stop the vibrations for ten minutes," he said. "But if you use
it, *twenty* minutes will be added to the timer. And you will not be
able to use the button to stop it for five minutes after the
vibrations resume."
Jennifer gritted her teeth and labored against the rubber corset
that constricted her waist. Damnit, on this one the dildo *and* the
butt plug both vibrate! And these things against my nipples are just
icing on the cake!
She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the clock. She was
getting closer, closer...
A wave of pleasure shot out from her overstimulated genitals.
She kicked out violently, but succeeded only in moving the chair a
fraction of a millimeter. "God..." she said aloud.
The vibrations continued, and she found herself overwhelmed.
"Aaaa!" she said as she pushed the button.
The vibrations stopped immediately. She opened her eyes, and
saw the readout on the box. '00:43:21' it said. She let out a gasp
when she saw it change to '01:03:21'. "Oh, god," she said aloud.
"I'm losing ground."
She looked over at Richard, and he was grinning widely. "This
device teaches endurance," he said.
"Don't you know what I'm going through?" she said. Sweat simply
ran down his face.
Richard brought over a glass full of beverage with a straw in
it. Jennifer drank greedily as he offered it to her. "Actually,
there is a similar device for men that I've invented," he said.
"I've tried it out on my self. Most interesting. Except that, with
the male version, there is a sensor at the tip of the penis.
Whenever there is an ejaculation, it has the same effect as you
pushing the button."
"Has anyone ever told you that you are a pervert?" she said,
between sips through the straw.
"Repeatedly," he replied. "But compliments will not get you out
of this. Only a high tolerance for pleasure will get you anywhere."
She drained the glass dry. "I'm still thirsty," she said.
"I'll get you some more," he said.
He returned several minutes later with a refill of lemonade.
Richard also carried a full pitcher of the stuff in with him."
"What if I can't run it down to zero?" she asked, just before
she sucked greedily on this beverage.
"Then you will just have to do it again tomorrow," he said,
"until you get it right."
With that statement, the current flowed into her belt again, and
the torture of pleasure resumed.
She knew that she had used the button at least eight times.
Richard kept the lemonade coming as she asked.
'00:01:07' she saw. An orgasm was ravaging through her body as
her eyes were fixed on the readout. "Please..." she said
'00:00:44.' She kicked violently against her restraints, but
only succeeded in pulling on her ankles. She tried to spread her
legs wide, to reduce the pressure on the devices within her, but the
rubber hobble skirt kept her legs tightly together.
'00:00:18.' Another one shook her to her very core. She
twisted violently in her chair, and Richard could see her bosom
heaving against the rubber of the dress and the rubber corset
'00:00:00.' Finally! She felt the vibrations within her cease.
There was a wild, crazy smile on her face as she looked over to the
seated form of Richard.
"Very good!" he said. A wave of a very different kind of
pleasure went through her. Maybe I impressed him, she thought
eagerly. He walked up and started to undo the restraints that kept
her attached to the chair.
A few minutes later, the armbinder was gone and the dress was
unlocked. She stood up and allowed him to unzip her. She was
surprised to see a puddle of sweat on the floor below her dress.
Jennifer was surprised that he unlocked the chastity belt and started
to untie the rubber corset
The inside of the dress was drenched. And then there was the
other layer underneath. "Go upstairs and get cleaned up," he said,
after he had removed the corset. Perspiration was dripping from the
inside of the corset to the floor. "I'm sure that you would
appreciate a bath right now.
He was so right! Jennifer let the jets of hot water massage her
body. She closed her eyes and felt relief spreading through her
Her eyes traveled around the bathroom. She idly rummaged
through a pile of towels that was within reach.
She felt something underneath the pile. When her hand emerged,
she was clutching a fetish and bondage magazine. There was a six
inch wooden ruler being used as a bookmark. "Wonder how this got
there," she said. It was an old wooden one that had probably been
there a long time.
Suddenly curious, she got out of the bathtub and went back to
her bedroom. She found her black stiletto shoes and measured their
"Five and a half," she said aloud. She then measured the red
heels that had so recently imprisoned her feet. "Five and seven
She put the ruler on her dresser and returned to the bathtub.
She dried her hands and idly paged through the magazine.
Jennifer was drying herself off when she heard her bedroom door
opening. "Yes?" she said.
Seconds later, Richard appeared in the doorway of the bathroom.
She saw that he was wearing a long full length bathrobe that went all
the way to the floor. "I took the liberty of ordering out for
dinner. If you would care to join me?" he said.
"Certainly," she replied.
"It is a formal dinner," he said. "You will need to dress
Jennifer rolled her eyes for the briefest of moments. "I take
it you've already picked something out?" she said, putting the towel
down. She was now fully naked, less than six feet away from him.
But Richard was calm, and there was no burning desire in his eyes.
"Out here," he said as he walked over to her bed. She followed,
and saw him holding up what looked to be a one piece bodysuit made of
shiny black rubber in one hand. Even the stiletto heels were built
right into the outfit. In his other, he held up a black rubber
It took him fifteen minutes to lace the corset onto her. When
he was done, that familiar constriction around the waist was once
again fighting against her every breath. "Sit on the bed, would
Richard unzipped the back zipper and started to put her left leg
into it. There was some sort of white powdery stuff on the inside,
and her leg slipped in rather easily. Jennifer saw that the crotch
on this outfit was open. She was half expecting some diabolical sex
toy to be inside of it. No chastity belt... she could feel herself
becoming hot, as she guessed what he might do to her... later.
Jennifer's left leg was now all the way in. Richard repeated
the process for the right leg. "You'll need to stand up now," said
She did, and nearly fell over. Richard grabbed ahold of her by
her corsetted waist and kept her from falling over. These heels are
even higher yet, she thought. They *have* to be over six inches
Now he guided her right arm into the sleeve of the outfit. To
her surprise, she found that the sleeve was bonded to the outside of
the outfit, running straight down her right side. The sleeve ended
in a thumbless mitten. Next he put her left arm into the matching
sleeve. The last step was to zip the outfit up in back all the way
to her neck.
Jennifer turned around and looked at herself in the mirror. She
was encased in skintight shiny black, with stiletto heels over six
inches high attached to each foot. The opening at her crotch
revealed a vagina that was moist and ready. There was the narrow
waist and very perky breasts. Her hard nipples were showing through
the rubber fabric. And her arms looked to be glued to her sides.
She tried to move them , but only saw the rubber twist some in
response to her efforts.
Robert put one arm around her waist and guided her out of her
room. I was just getting used to the other heels, Jennifer thought
to herself. Then he changes the rules on me!
Soon they were in the dining room. A full dinner was laid out
on the table, with a single candle lit in the center of the table.
"Oh, how romantic," she said.
"Thank you." Richard guided her to a chair. Jennifer gingerly
sat down. There was enough give in the rubber of her sleeves to
allow her to sit comfortably.
Richard now took off his bathrobe. She saw that he was wearing
the tight black rubber pants with the built in sheath for his penis.
Jennifer remembered what it was like the last time that she saw him
wearing them... and she felt even wetter down at her crotch.
As he sat down, she asked a question. "It is gonna be tough to
eat while wearing this," she said.
"I don't understand," he said, with a hint of playfulness in his
voice. He picked up her fork and put a bit of the salad on it.
Carefully, he guided it over to her mouth. "I think that your mouth
will work just fine, actually.
Jennifer took it into her mouth and ate it. "That's good," she
said after finishing her mouthful.
A long dinner ensued, with Richard feeding her each and every
bite of food and every sip of wine. He ate off of his own plate as
well. Jennifer was sweating inside of her outfit, but did not
mention it. The excitement of the situation was overriding it.
"What's for dessert?" she asked.
"Hmmm..." Richard said. "I must have neglected to order that.
We'll have to improvise, won't we?" he said.
He pushed his chair back, but instead of standing up, he knelt
down on the floor. Within seconds, he had crawled under the table
and had found her dripping vagina with his mouth.
"Oh, god!" she exclaimed. She slid down in her chair and spread
her legs wide, to give him better access to her privates. He was
methodical in his explorations of her. First, gentle nibbling with
his lips. Then his tongue started to probe, first up near the top
and only very slowly moving down toward her most sensitive parts.
"Please!" she said, rocking her hips back and forth. He was
bringing her close... so close...
She panted against her corset as he backed off his stimulation
ever so slightly. "Ooooohhhhh!" she moaned aloud.
Suddenly, his tongue attacked her clitoris with a vengeance.
Within seconds, an orgasm wracked through her body. She clenched her
legs together around his head, trying to get him to stop as she
groaned in pleasure.
Richard apparently took that in good grace, and brought his
probing tongue back home. He backed away, and when she next saw him,
he was standing up by the table taking a sip of wine.
"I thought that our little training session this afternoon was
supposed to increase your tolerance for pleasure," he said.
"Apparently, it has its limits."
"That was *wonderful*" she said between pants. Jennifer looked
at him, and saw that his black rubber coated half-hard penis was
rapidly becoming fully erect. It stood at attention, and pointed
directly at her.
"Oh, my," she said, staring directly at it. When her gaze
returned to his face, she saw that look of lust, that look of
*intensity* returning to it.
"Am I in trouble?" she said in a girlish tone of voice. Richard
did not reply, but bent down and picked her up. She kicked her
stiletto heeled feet in the air feebly as he carried her to his
Richard put her on the bed, then reached down below the bed. He
brought out a three foot long bar with a cuff on each end. With a
quick efficiency, he fastened her legs to the spreader bar. When he
was done, her legs were held apart at an angle that was a touch
greater than 90 degrees. "Oh, god!" she said as she felt her groin
muscle start to protest.
Moments later, he was on top of her, thrusting his hard and
erect manhood into her wet and ready pussy.
Richard was relentless. If he ever ejaculated, she did not
notice it. After her first orgasm, he gave her a few seconds of
pause. Then, he was back on her, thrusting away.
"Oh, godohgodohgod!" she screamed against the tightness of the
corset as the second orgasm swept through her. Richard stopped for
an even briefer period of time before resuming again.
It was in the middle of her fifth orgasm that the tightness of
the corset finally overwhelmed her, and she passed out.
Chapter 13
When Jennifer woke up, she found herself in her room. Her arms
were out at her sides, which immediately told her that she wasn't
wearing the rubber bodysuit anymore.
The light was on in her room. She opened her eyes groggily and
looked around.
Jennifer tried to prop herself up on her arms. It was at this
moment that she realized that she was still wearing the rubber
corset. The sleeping cuffs with the metal forks were locked to her
wrists... and there was a chastity belt complete with intrusive
vaginal plug. A moment of moving her hips around revealed that this
one did not have a phallus for her rear orifice.
She rolled out of bed, and saw that there was a handwritten note
on her nighttable. There was also a sealed box just inside of the
doorway. Jennifer picked up the note and read it.
I took the liberty of preparing you for bed after we finished
our dinner. You did look lovely last night, in your rubber and
I would like to take a moment to explain the controls for your
'alarm clock'. The readout flashes four numbers. The first number
is the number of minutes of stimulation that will take place when you
first tuck yourself in for the night. It is controlled by the first
The second number is the number of times that you will be
stimulated during the night. These will be evenly spaced between the
time you went to bed and the wake up time (9:00 am). This is
controlled by the second knob.
The third number is the number of minutes that you will be
stimulated for each time during the night. This is, of course,
controlled by the third knob.
The last number is the number of minutes that you will be
stimulate for right before wakeup time. This is controlled by the
fourth knob.
The device is made such that you have to have at least 75
minutes of stimulation during the night. You can set it for more, of
course. The night that you so hurriedly put it on, it was set for
220 total minutes during the night. Of course, I might decide to
increase that minimum time, if I am so inclined.
The box in your room contains your outfit for tomorrow. You
can, if you like, get ready tonight, but that is optional.
I look forward to tomorrow. Sleep tight.
Hmmm... thought Jennifer. I bet it would really turn him on if
he knew that I wore one of his kinky outfits to bed! With that
thought in mind, she moved the box to her bed and started to pull out
the contents.
On top, there was a pair of shoes. These were made of shiny
black patent, with the same locking closures that were on her other
pairs of shoes. These looked to be even taller yet. Jennifer
retrieved her ruler from the dresser and measured it. "Six and a
quarter," she said. "When are these things gonna stop going up?"
Next, there was a black rubber garter belt. She put that aside
and fished out the next items.
Black rubber stockings. These looked like they would go all the
way up to her crotch. Black rubber gloves were next, ones that would
go all the way up to her armpits.
And the last item was a maid's outfit. This one was not made of
vinyl. Instead, this was made of shiny black rubber. The skirt was
flared out even wider than her last maid's outfit, and was even more
revealing of her crotch. This one also had long sleeves and went up
to the neck, just like the other one. There was no revealing cutout
to show bare cleavage. But with the skin tight properties of the
rubber, did it matter?
"Another maid's outfit?" she said aloud. Then something churned
within her memories. "Isn't... isn't this what he remembered his
*mother* wearing?"
Except for the chastity belt... Jennifer had very strange
feelings about the outfit laid out on the bed.
If she wanted to turn him on, was there any better way than to
enter his deepest fantasies? a part of her thought.
Jennifer made up her mind. She put on the garter belt, then
slowly rolled the rubber stockings up her legs. When she was done,
she fastened them to the garters.
The extreme stiletto heels were difficult to manage with her
corsetted waist, but she managed to lock them on. The gloves took a
while to properly wriggle into.
Last, there was the maid's outfit itself. It was not too hard
to zip up herself. There was a small ring at the top like with the
other outfits. For completeness sake, she locked it into place with
one of the padlocks in the room.
I want to make sure that he knows that I'm dressed like this,
she thought. I should find him and say goodnight.
It took her intense concentration to walk steadily in the heels.
She was able to manage, as long as she kept it slow and stayed near
a wall. The wriggling in her crotch was bearable... so far.
Jennifer first went to his den. Richard was nowhere to be seen.
She was not in the mood to wander the whole house to find him,
especially in her shoes. So she went directly to his bedroom. I'll
just wait for him here, she thought.
Idly, she turned the doorknob, expecting it to be locked, as it
ususally was. But to her surprise, it opened at her touch.
The light was on, and she heard faint rustling sounds.
Gingerly, she poked her head through the opening and looked at side.
She used latex gloved hand on the doorknob as additional support for
her unsteady balance.
She saw that Richard had already gone to bed. But this time he
was wearing something more extreme than she remembered.
Richard's hands were cuffed above him, connected to the chain as
before. His ankles were strapped together, and he wore a chastity
belt with a wire going up from it to the box that joined his wrists.
But this time he also wore a leather hood. There was no opening for
his eyes in the hood. There were two holes for his nose, and a very
small hole where his mouth should have been. At the moment, there
were no vibrations coming from his belt.
He can't see me... thought Jennifer. That means I can't show
off my outfit to him! Damn! But... I could poke around and he'd
never know!
With a new purpose, Jennifer walked into his room, still
unsteady in her heels. She stopped near his bed and looked down at
A muscular, hairy chest heaved and hissing noises came through
the holes in his hood. Strong legs idly twitched against their
bindings. Just watching him makes me wet! Jennifer thought. The
vaginal plug in her chastity belt was now starting to get to her.
She tore her eyes away from him and slowly walked around the
bed. With care, she made her way towards one of his closet doors.
This one had only mundane clothing, like business suits, shirts,
pants, and the like. Jennifer slowly closed the door and made her
way to the other one.
The light was off in this closet as well. Jennifer found a
lightswitch and turned it on. God! Jennifer thought to herself.
What a collection.
This was a huge walk-in closet some twenty feet deep and ten
feet wide. There was a row of dressers down the middle of the closet
that almost split the room in two.
All along the outside walls, there were kinky outfits on
hangers. Most of them were made of rubber, with some vinyl and some
leather as well.
Jennifer walked over to the nearest one and pulled it from the
wall. This was a pair of blue rubber pants with a matching shirt.
She put it back into place and looked at the next one. This one was
a black leather straight jacket.
A bit overwhelmed, she turned her gaze to the other side. She
grabbed the nearest thing that she could. This was a red rubber
hobble dress, just like the one she had worn herself. But... this
one was too big for her. It would actually fit Richard quite well,
now that she thought of it.
This surprised her. She put it down and examined the clothes on
this side of the closet. As she examined them more closely, she saw
that it was all kinky female clothing that seemed to be sized to fit
Richard. The opposite side seemed to consist of male style clothing
made of kinky materials.
Jennifer next made her way over to one of the dressers in the
room. Arbitrarily, she picked the top drawer and opened it up.
She found several pairs of shoes here. They varied from what
she guessed was five inches to almost seven inches in height. Most
of them had similar locking closures to the ones that she wore now.
They were also sized to fit Richard.
Jennifer went to the next drawer down. Here she found several
corsets. Some were satin, some were rubber, and one was leather.
These, too, would have fit Richard just fine.
Jennifer closed that drawer and leaned against the dresser. He
dresses up like a woman? she thought.
No, that is not exactly true, she thought to herself. He
dresses up like a *kinky* woman. He doesn't seem to have any normal
female clothing.
Why would he have all of this stuff? she wondered. He must
dress up in it.
The fact that Richard had probably experienced all of what she
was experiencing made her feel better, actually. He must *like*
dressing up like that, or he wouldn't have that much of it, she
thought. Half of his kinky closet is like that.
With that running through her mind, she exited his closet and
closed the door behind her. Just as she was walking by his bed, his
chastity belt started to vibrate.
I wish it was me on top of you now, Jennifer thought as he
slowly started to move his hips in response to the stimulation.
Fearing that she would be discovered, she made her way to the door
and closed it behind her.
Within minutes, she was sitting on her bed. "How should I set
this thing?" she wondered, idly toying with the knobs of her alarm
She finally decided to reduce it from its previous settings, but
not to minimum. "Twenty minutes initially, twenty minutes at the
end, and four in the middle fifteen minutes each," she settled on.
Jennifer turned off the lights, then positioned herself on the
bed. She plugged the cord into her belt, then plugged her cuffs into
the metal box one at a time.
Her chastity belt came to life the instant that the second cuff
was plugged in. "Oh god!" she said aloud as the belt brought her
higher and higher. She had been hot from watching Richard in his
room. It wasn't taking much more right now.
Did I set it for too long? she wondered as an orgasm ripped
through her less than ten minutes after she had locked herself in
Chapter 14
Again, she found herself walking through the clouds.
Jennifer looked down, and saw that she was wearing impossibly
high white stiletto heels... and nothing else. The ground below
looked so far away... like a view from an airplane.
There was a gust of wind, and she nearly lost her balance.
Somehow, she stayed upright in her footwear. In front of her, a
large fluffy cloud was being moved by the winds. Standing on it, she
could see a man...
"Richard!" she cried out. She tried to run, but her foot
twisted underneath her. She grabbed ahold of a nearby cloud and
managed somehow to right herself.
She looked around frantically. The cloud that had carried
Richard was now quickly receeding. A moment later, it was only a
pinprick on the horizon.
"No!" she screamed aloud. As she struggled to move, two green
birds with red feathers around the eyes started to circle above her.
"Not yet!" one of the birds cried out.
"Don't fall!" the other one screeched.
Jennifer let go of her cloud and tried to step forward.
Somehow, she managed it. But her second step put her shoe into a
river far below her. She could feel the silt of the river sucking
her down, and she started to fall...
The two birds dove down onto her shoulders, and flapped their
wings with a great effort. Slowly, they pulled her up and her shoe
was freed from the river.
The birds stopped flapping as she righted herself.
"You are not yet ready," one of the birds said to her.
"Don't run when you can't walk," the other one said.
"Ready?" she asked back. "When will I be ready?"
"You will see," said the first one.
"We will help," said the other one, with a wink.
The two of them took off with a sudden wingstrokes. She watched
them as they flew to a nearby cloud and tore pieces of it out with
their taloned feet.
They flew overhead, and dropped their cloudy burdens onto her.
They were shaped like something...
She was now wearing a dress made of clouds. She looked down and
saw the long wide flare of her misty skirt. It went down all the way
to the earth. And behind her, there was a veil of vapor thin ice
crystals that trailed magnificently behind her.
The two birds landed on her shoulders again. "It's a start,"
one of them said.
The other bird ruffled its feathers. "It's the *end*!" it said,
as it stared at the first bird.
Then a buzzing started in her crotch, and the realm of clouds
and dreams faded away.
Jennifer was already twisting her hips as she returned to
reality. The throbbing in her vagina had already made her juices
start to flow. She clenched her gloved hands and struggled in her
rubber outfit, trying to gain some control over the buzzing in her
It relentlessly sent her upwards. She labored against her
rubber corset and kicked her black rubber legs into the air.
Jennifer's stiletto heeled feet twirled around as she came nearer and
nearer to culmination...
"Ooooh!" she exclaimed as she reached her peak. She arched her
back slightly against the rubber corset as the pleasure went on and
on and on...
The buzzing died before she had another climax. She heard the
familiar metallic click from her wrists that indicated that she was
free of her bed at last.
Jennifer spent several minutes laboring for breath against the
corset as she recovered from her 'wake up call'. When she finally
recovered, she rolled out of bed and unsteadily walked to the
She inserted the key into the bottom of her chasity belt,
separating the bottom section so that she could take care of her
bodily functions. When she was done, she was still wet enough to
easily slide the phallus of the chastity belt back into place.
She got up and washed her hair in the sink. It was a strange
feeling to scrub her hair with rubber gloved hands. Jennifer toweled
it dry and ran a comb through it.
"Sure doesn't look very nice," she said aloud. But somehow, she
didn't think that Richard would really notice her hair today.
On the way out of her room, she stopped to look at herself in
the mirror again. Six and a quarter inch black patent shoes were
locked to her feet. She was wearing long black rubber stockings that
went all the way up to her crotch. She could see the garters that
held them up. The bottom of the chastity belt was visible below the
The black rubber of the skirt must have extended out over two
feet in all directions. It was held up by some very stiff red
crinoline that could be easily seen if she was bent over in any way.
The black rubber of her maid's outfit was very tight around her
waist. She was naturally a twenty six inch waist. What am I now,
maybe a twenty one? Jennifer wondered to herself.
The corset also pushed her breasts up and out. The tight clingy
rubber of the maid's outfit showed her erect nipples as a pair of
dainty points on the tips of her breasts. The rubber continued
upward, and ended at the top of her neck. The shiny black rubber
continued down both arms. When the rubber of the maid's outfit ended
at her wrists, the latex of her gloved hands took over.
"I could stop traffic on the expressway!" she said as she
twirled around in front of the mirror. This moved the phallus inside
of her around, and she was surprised with the intensity of the
"That was interesting," she said as she grabbed hold of a
bedpost. A few moments later, she headed out of her room and made
for the kitchen.
Jennifer had just finished making breakfast when Richard walked
in. "Good morning," she said as she carried two plates over to the
table. She had to concentrate intensely to carry anything while
wearing the six and a quarter inch high stilettos.
Richard looked at her from head to toe as she brought breakfast
to the table. "Good morning, Jennifer," he said. She saw that he
was not fully dressed as he normally was. Instead, all he wore was a
pair of rubber shorts that concealed his groin.
"I dressed up last night," she said, almost proudly. "I wanted
to show you... but you had already gone to bed for the night," she
said, with a hint of disappointment in her voice.
"You forgot to turn the light off in my closet," he said.
Oops! "I'm sorry. I... curiosity got the better of me. I
shouldn't have," she said.
"No, you shouldn't have," he said as he started in on his
Several minutes passed with only the sounds of clanking
silverware and dishes. "Richard... are you going to punish me?" she
asked. He seems to enjoy that so much, she thought to herself. I
hope he does and gets himself so stiff..."
"I'm not sure yet," he said. "I have to think of something...
"I see," she said, sipping on her juice. She finished it off
before asking her next question. "Why do you have so much of your
kinky stuff... in dresses and women's stuff?" she asked.
Jennifer did not see him become upset at all at the question.
He swallowed before answering. "Well, it has to do with a long
period of living without any companionship," he said. "I prefer to
see a woman dressed up, but when that wasn't available, I did it
myself. And I was very curious about how it would feel. Why should
women have all the fun?" he said, with a smile.
"I see," she said. Should she press her luck? she wondered.
"When was the last time that you dressed up like that?" she asked.
Richard studied her for a long moment. "My, you are brave
today," he said. "Especially with your snooping around last night."
Jennifer just smiled and shrugged. "Actually, it was a month and a
half ago," he said.
Jennifer was thinking of her next question when Richard finished
up his food and wiped his face. "I think I have decided upon your
punishment. However, it may have to wait for tomorrow. You have a
temporary reprieve."
She wasn't quite sure if she was relieved or disappointed to
hear this. "Get everything you can done by three," he said to her.
"I will be in my den. I have a large number of phone calls to make."
"Why three?" she asked.
"We have a wedding to go to," he said.